Meridian and Acupuncture (6-2) - I Ching -
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Meridian and Acupuncture (6-2)

Fushe, this is for uterine disease. There are several types of uterine disease that we are talking about. This is what Chinese medicine teaches. Some people are not easy to get pregnant, and ovulation is normal but Chinese medicine doctor takes the pulse, oh! Your uterus is too cold, so you won’t get pregnant. Why is your uterus cold? You need to soak in hot water, then your uterus will get warmer.

Abdominal knots and large intestines are the problem of the large intestine. If you have constipation in the large intestine, people who often have diarrhea, you can also take a bath with cyanobacteria, with complete compound vitamins. But no one believes such a simple method. They went to a specialist for a massage, and an enema. In the end, I was very painful and said I didn't want to have an enema anymore. In the end, I had to try our method. I said that it would take at least half a year to improve.

ShiDou, Tianxi, Xiongxiang, Zhou Rong, and Dabao. These are an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs. This is a very important one. There is also an action. Go back and do a little bit. This lung exchanges carbon dioxide. At that time, there must be exercise in this place. Now there are a lot of open-chest morning exercises, I think they are all right. You can also lean on the wall, stretch your hands up, turn around like this, and turn another around like this, with your heels up. After a few days of doing this, the entire exchange system will gradually return to normal. But if its function is to last forever, it must provide complete nutrition, which is very important. It's like buying a good car and it won't be able to drive without the right fuel. You have to refuel, what kind of fuel, you can't say that we are such a good car, add heavy fuel that the ship is burning, and you can't drive it no matter what.

Let’s look at the Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian on page 171. This sutra is replaced by a 丁 in the Heavenly Stem. The five elements belong to Yin fire, Start from Jiquan, end with ShaoChong, more qi and less blood, Wu hour (11 am to 1 pm local standard time) ), qi and blood inject this. (It means to contain, not to flow here). Has 9 points, a total of eighteen points on the left and right.

Song of Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian:



This meridian has a very good calming effect, but it is necessary to understand the calming effect of each place, like Shaochong's calming effect is probably the heartbeat, the heartbeat. In the end, many people published articles about the reasons for bloodletting first when a cerebral hemorrhage occurs. What happens to a cerebral hemorrhage? The heartbeat is fast, the blood pressure is high, and the bloodletting is done beforehand. The theory comes from here. I very much agree. This acupuncture point is called JingXie. The first point is bloodletting, like nosebleeds. As long as it is bleeding and blood-related, you can probably calm down. If you are too excited, you will bleed. There are certain reasons for it, the heartbeat is too fast or blood pressure is too high, or the nasal mucosa is too thin.

Shaofu, you can’t sleep at night when you break up. You slept well the same night with a shot of the point, because the point is calm. There is an emotional line in the palm of the hand, and the gap between the little finger and the ring finger is lining down, and the place where the line crosses with the emotional line is Shaofu. When the broken love can't fall asleep, you fall asleep after rubbing it down. I also learn Chinese medicine. I told her that after a needle in, she would eat two wormwood fried boiled duck eggs every day. Don’t eat them for dinner. If you don’t have any duck eggs, you can eat eggs or dried vegetables, so you can sleep well. After eating Blessing Ping's complete compound multivitamin, forty-nine days after taking it seriously, she is no longer in self pity. She doesn't want that person anymore, she knows and likes another person.

The next four acupoints, Ling Dao, Yin Qi, Tong Li, and Shenmen, are probably calm, and they can be rubbed. You have too much diarrhea, you drink a little salt water, rubbing this place is really calm. And the small intestine sometimes doesn’t absorb it. Why doesn’t it absorb it when people are too nervous? You can use kneading. When kneading, it’s better to give it temperature. We used to bake it. Blessing Ping 5A incense, the smell of the current incense will be carcinogens. The good fragrance is made of sandalwood or agarwood. Tied Blessing Ping 5A incense together with six sticks. After lighting it and smoking the area, some people feel very good. Otherwise, you can make it yourself. Twist the moxa leaves, beat the remaining beards, and then press it. It is like a small moxa stick and lights it up. Go to the Chinese medicine store to buy dried moxa leaves. If you can’t crush them, use a twisting shaft , twist it until the flesh of the leaves of the moxa is removed, leaving the silk fiber to be rolled up, so this is also quite good. Moxa sticks are relatively large, and small ones are very good.

In this place of Shaohai, when the two legs are tight and there is no strength, just roast them with moxa sticks as mentioned earlier, and eat nutrition. After about a month or two, climbing the foot of the mountain will be easy.

Then, Qingling is less used, but Jiquan is very easy to use. The usage of Jiquan is pressure. What kind of people do you pressure? I used to type more than 40 years ago. Many girls had to type a few hundred words a minute, typed every day, and in the end, the shoulder blades are about to be dislocated. I use this extreme spring to come down under the armpits. This one screams at the pressure. The pain in the back is not painful on the spot, but it won't get well. This is enough.

This kind of scapula needs to eat more chicken feet, beat the chicken feet, take out the meat of the chicken feet and call them phoenixes feet, remove the bones, and eat four or two chicken feet a day, and eat a city of chicken feet. For leg problems you have to eat pig's feet, and the gelatin of chicken feet will be effective if the lesions are caused by the movement of the fingers. People like this should eat the spices of ginger but not the spiciness of chili. When they type every day, and when there is a problem, they must eat ginger instead of chili. You can’t eat the spiciness of pepper, because when you eat the spiciness of pepper, it warms the stomach. Pay great attention to this hand. You have had stomach ulcers. When your stomach is upset, your palms will sweat. The muscles are connected together, so the stomach cannot be stimulated. Once the stomach is irritated, the person you typed will reflex and feel the pain, this is on acupuncture. These are the secrets in the past. We used to learn this thing. Some people have to go to the teacher and the teacher teaches directly. Otherwise, you will be taught to touch your own acupuncture points every day, one acupuncture point for two weeks.

Disclaimer: The foods or vitamins mentioned in this article are all suggestions and do not have medicinal effects such as medical treatment and disease treatment. Please refer to it yourself.​
