The Application of Meridians in Bazi and Practice - I Ching -
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The Application of Meridians in Bazi and Practice

(Application of gilt glaze magnetized bowl)                                                     (Instructed by teacher Chen Yikui)

You must do it every day, first rub pumpkin cotyledon oil, and then use a gilt-glazed magnetized bowl or a small gourd to slide your own meridians. After you have slipped, you will know how to slip. Now that you understand after reading it, you might forget it after you go back. You have to believe in the benefits of pumpkin cotyledon oil, and you have to believe that Teacher Chen Yikui will give it to you at all costs. The gilt-glazed magnetized bowl needs to be held flat without any force. I slowly slide by myself every day. Because we can't do intrusive movements, Teacher Chen Yikui has racked his brains for this Thai Fengshui, what kind of methods can be used to achieve the goal, and the body will be very comfortable and physically and mentally happy.

Let me tell you that after you slide it, what unpleasant things you had with your husband or wife would be resolved immediately. Gourd should be used for the back Du channel. Before doing the useful god meridian, do the Du channel first. The Du channel must use a gourd, because the Du channel is just on the spine, because it is more comfortable to use this gourd, and the effect is the same. If you do it perseveringly every day, I can say that you will be healthier. We can use this to achieve the effect, and we use natural things to resonate on your body, and each one has a good resonance. Everyone will like you when they see you, because you have made these complete sets.

Look at the gilt-glazed magnetized bowl. The color of the light goes from your eyes to your retina. The whole thing works like this, and then the whole body relaxes, and it will definitely feel good.

The Du Channel will really improve your qi and blood. If you have a rhythm and don't be too fast, he will be very comfortable. People over 42 years old have to slide 49 times, because they have to be stimulated even more when they are older.

The Ren channel slides up from the pubic hair, from the pubic hair and the pubic bone up to the chest, the yang meridian from top to bottom, and the yin meridian from the bottom to the top. The Ren and Du channels slide first, and then slide their own nerves, and the whole body is driven.

Hand Yangming Large Intestine Meridian is the Yang Meridian, which must be scraped from the top down. It starts from Shangyang and finally Yingxiang. The meridians go from above, from the finger Shangyang to the top to Yingxiang, but when it is sliding, from top to bottom. Going down, the large intestine meridian through Shangyang, Erjian, Sanjian, and Hegu before going to the back. We slid down from here to the fingertip (Shangyang point). It does not have only one acupoint, it uses sides, so sometime will also slide to other meridians, it doesn’t matter. At the age of 39, I want to slide 42 times and use a gilt-glazed magnetized bowl to slide.

Only Ren channel and Du channel use gourd to slide, the others use bowls to slide.

The meridians are Jia gallbladder (yang), hepatitis Yi (yin), Bing small intestine (yang), Ding heart (yin), Wu stomach (yang), Ji spleen (yin), Geng large intestine (yang), Xin lung (yin), Ren Bladder (yang), Gui kidney (yin).

Disclaimer: The foods and vitamins mentioned in this article are for advice and do not have medical or disease treatment effects. Please refer to them yourself.
