Gua and Meridians ~ Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin - I Ching -
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Gua and Meridians ~ Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui

I only talked about this culture when I studied the Liver Meridian, because studying the meridian is probably a nomadic culture. One of the characteristics of nomadic culture is that living people are effective, dead people are not effective, or people who are already dying are also not effective. If this person is about to die, he will die, and acupuncture is not effective for such people.

It can be seen that for acupuncture to be effective, it must be done in accordance with the spirit of the nomadic people. Therefore, whether it is necessary to give other people acupuncture or moxibustion for others, be sure to ask the other person, if he can eat or not, he said that he can’t eat anymore, you don’t give him needles, this is a nomad with his healing range. Like I went to the United States to study folklore therapy in Indiana, a therapy for their natives, a prerequisite is the ear must be able to hear, if it can't be heard, it will be ineffective. Secondly, if your feet still can jump, don't come if you can't jump, because their therapy is to listen to songs and dance, and finally drink water. If your ears can't hear, or your feet can't jump, he can't do anything, it has a range.

In fact, Chinese medicine therapy or dietary therapy, let's tell the truth, the therapy of Chinese medicine itself is dietary therapy. You can see that there are minerals in it, and then there are animals, plants, and a very important mixture. It seems that animals eat plants, the stools are called mixtures. Animal plants then become stool, such as so called luminous sand and silkworm sand. Another very important thing is mushrooms, such as the well-known Cynomorium and Cistanche, which are the famous spore plant mushrooms. .

Foot Jueyin Liver Meridian

This meridian is replaced by the word Yi in the ten days stem, and the five elements belong to the yin wood, starting from Da Dun, end at QiMen, more blood and less qi, and qi and blood are injected here at Chou hour (from 1:00 am to 3:00 am local standard time).

What I feel is the liver is great, and when it's Chou hour, accurate. The entire secretion and metabolism of our liver is during the Chou hour, so the cholesterol is too high or whatever. You take cholesterol medicine, cholesterol is synthesized from the liver, the cholesterol medicine must be taken before the Chou time, so that it can be absorbed and works when it comes in.

In the process of this kind of research, I think it is very remarkable. Let’s repeat it again. If a person secretes too much gastric acid, in fact, we often don’t secrete the same amount of gastric acid. The most fearful thing is bile. Insufficient, when there is insufficient bile, indigestion, why take stomach medicine (antacid), and take it at night, because the child is the gallbladder, the gastric acid secretion at that time is not particularly large, because if the bile at that time is insufficient, the proportion of Stomach acid will increase a lot.

Have you ever woken up in a fright at night, you have no guts! Hence the abstract adjective. Why is it said that drinking can strengthen the courage? Drinking a little real good wine can activate the liver function and secrete a good bile. Drinking will make people calm, so drinking to strengthen the courage. So if drinking a little bit of good wine will bring the bad cholesterol down, why is it down? It can be changed to bile, which is how it flows down from bile, don't let it run into the blood.

It can be seen that although the meridian and acupoint science of Chinese culture is very abstract and has nothing, it must be based on materialism, that is to say, there is indeed an ecology of this thing, to put it out, and after it is put out, we call it the reflection point of induction. Points are called acupoints, and when they are connected, they are called meridians.

Song of the Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin




Fourteen acupoints are Foot Jueyin, and Taichong invades between the lines of Datun.

Zhongfeng Ligou Zhongdu is near, and the knee is close to the Ququan Yin Bao.

Wuli Yinlianjimai point, Zhangmen is often deep to Qimen.

Zhangmen and Qimen are the two acupoints, I do not agree use with acupuncture, I am in favor of massage, cupping, and moxibustion. Some people's liver needs to secrete an enzyme called diuresis to help the kidneys, and some people are swollen and can't diuretic. It's not because the kidneys are broken, but because the liver can't secrete and synthesize that kind of diuretic enzyme, so it can't diuretic. In this way, you can use these two acupoints Zhangmen and Qimen, and massage slowly. There is another kind of hormone, if another hormone in the liver can make you cramp, especially this hormone will affect the vagus nerve spasm in the stomach, the stomach cramps and shrinks, the pain is unbearable, and these two acupoints are also used. Zhangmen and Qimen, many diseases of our internal organs are actually connected with the liver.

If heart disease is congenital, we will not talk about it, we will talk about blood vessels. Stroke, myocardial infarction, everyone thinks it is the heart and cardiovascular, in fact, it has an incredible relationship with the liver, why? Some people eat the wrong food, like drinking a lot of cola, eating a lot of sweets, or certain If you want to be a vegetarian, then if you are under a lot of stress, you must secrete a lot of anti-stress things and reflect it, so our liver produces a lot of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and blood fat. When you produce a lot, either you have Myocardial infarction or a stroke, which is relative. There are many people with myocardial infarction and brain stroke do not necessarily have high blood pressure. It depends on whether your low-density lipoprotein number is high, or the ratio is too high, or the blood fat is too high. These are all related to the liver. I like to use these two acupoints, Zhangmen and Qimen.

Then there is another JiMai. This acupoint is marked with a square shape. It really cannot be pierced. Why can't it be pierced? There is a large artery in that place. When I went to class in Hsinchu, a student made a special trip to see me. He said that he could not cure it with any treatment before. Teacher Chen put a needle in the groin of his thigh and lifted it up on the spot. This is the acupoint. So what is the point? Because I know the artery is there, you avoid the artery, go down from the side of the artery, the needle goes down, and when turn it feel sour, the hand on the opposite side gets up, why is he good for 20 years after getting up, ask him to go back with a diet and complete of vitamins.

I have always emphasized that this JiMai is a very last resort, and you must be very careful. There is a large artery there, and the short needle is very useless. At that time, two inches or two and a half inches were used. If you sweat a little, the pain will be relieved immediately, but you must insert the needle next to the aorta, otherwise you will go down from the middle of the aorta, and you will be very troublesome after the needle starts to turn black, then he will sue you. That's why I tell you not to use acupuncture in that place. The needles we use for acupuncture are probably oval, which is completely opposite to the injection needle. The needle of acupuncture is round. If it goes down through the blood vessel, it will be cut off. The injection’s needle will not cut it off.

Then there are some important areas, all on the inner side of the foot,  XiGuan. Your knee should be strong. When you are old, you can still walk without having to change to an artificial knee. That is very important. In this way, don't be too painful before dying, die when you fall asleep, have a very easy death. Well, in this XiGuan, the first thing you want in your knee is that many people assume that what your knee needs is calcium. It’s wrong, it should be gelatin. So I always tell people to eat pig's feet, and must contain minerals, but minerals do not necessarily require calcium. Then it belongs to yin, and the yin meridian belongs to the venous return. It is a complete tissue itself, so you adjust the nutrition, rub our pumpkin cotyledon oil every day, and use the gilt glaze magnetizing bowl to gently smooth it. Gently scrape and slide on the Liver Meridian, do it when you have time, and do it at night for the best resonance to protect your knees. The main purpose of the knee is whether you have a future to see your two knees. It's a lie to do what you have to do to succeed when the knee is not intact.

So in the past, there were Confucian doctors with reading and experience, including all the doctors in the past, when they saw a doctor, the first to tap a stick on their knees. Have you heard of it? Thirty or forty years ago, knock the knees down and tell you right away that you won't die. The problem here is that your vitality is still very strong! You still can kick people.

Because the liver controls the tendons and the lungs control the fur, so good. Therefore, people who have cramps at night, and those who have severe cramps because your liver cannot store copper and magnesium. As long as you get cramps, your liver is deficient in copper and magnesium. Too much copper will cause poisoning, and too much magnesium will cause diarrhea, so some people use B6.

Zhongdu and Ligou are generally two acupoints, probably more important for gynecological diseases, there are too many leucorrhea, but what is ineffective in gynecological diseases, trichomonas is not effective. And gonorrhea caused by sex is not effective. Trichomonas must go to the gynecology department. Now there are very good medicines for Trichomonas. Some people talk about bathing in unclean places or something. The real infection of Trichomonas is through sex.

The Zhongfeng acupuncture point is best massaged by yourself. I have always emphasized that the feet must be able to walk and move. Generally, the Zhongfeng point is five or six points in front of the inner ankle of the foot. When a man or woman is very healthy, Walking is as light as flying, then this can lead well.

In this acupoint, I have told you to soak your feet. When you soak your feet, the blood backflow in these acupoints will be normal, you will be active, and your feet should be kept warm. In winter, you should wear good wool socks to protect your feet. Bathing or feet soaking are pretty good.

The advantage of Taichong is toothache. You will think about the toothache of the liver meridian. In the end, which tooth is painful, some are the front tooth, some are not, this place is the front tooth. The pain in this place is the entire gums, the entire gums on both sides, it is metal! There is only flesh on the gums, and metal only under the gums, which is quite good. Taichong is very good  for reducing heat. We do not puncture needles now. Special attention should be paid to that place where there are many venous blood tubes that return, and sometimes cause bleeding.

XingJian is probably for pain relief, intercostal neuralgia, when you do frog jumping and jumping all the time, as long as 15 minutes jump, will cause great pain between the ribs on both sides. As long as the intercostal neuralgia is pierced in XingJian, both sides should be pierced, and the pain will be relieved immediately, but the pain comes back after two hours, then pierced again.

DaDun generally uses heat, or moxibustion is used more, or uses bloodletting. DaDun and Yin Bai are combined together, and they are all in the same place. So both of them are a kind of head neurological hallucination, and they probably have a little effect, like having a nightmare at night, being chased by a dog, or being bitten by a snake, some people have a lot of nightmares, and some people have to climb a steep mountain and can't climb up, and they wake up after falling. If I can't wake up, or I'm afraid and nervous all night, I'll be in a cold sweat. This kind of operation we call the electric current wave in the brain, when your brain, the air is the same for everyone, because of your dreams, you will sweat cold, you will pant, why are you running, the same panting, the same heartbeat, But when I was running in a dream, and I was very nervous when I was chased by a dog, my heart rate really accelerated while I was sleeping, and I really sweated. The way our brains work, DaDun is to restore you to normal. These feared things will not reappear in your mind or your dreams.

Generally, bloodletting in DaDun is to stop bleeding, like the meridian of the stomach meridian, and now this is the meridian of the liver meridian. When the internal bleeding is severe, bloodletting in a certain place will constrict the microvessels in a certain place. Less business bloodletting, the microvessels in the tonsils shrink immediately, and the tonsils shrink. If you are seriously injured in a car accident, it will shrink. Why does it bleed? It is that the entire microvessels at the peripheral end open and expand, or rupture and bleed. Using this small quotient means that you will no longer bleed. In the end, the entire pathological changes in your blood, including coagulation and non-coagulation, are in fact all. It is the liver. Of course, hematopoiesis belongs to hematopoiesis. Hematopoiesis is not the liver, but the liver will assist in hematopoiesis, and the function of hematopoiesis is in the bone marrow. Therefore, when you have leukemia, the bone marrow transplant is all in the bone marrow. Where is the bone marrow? In the Governor Vessel, in the back.

Therefore, the highest technology of the human body in the 21st century is the foundation of Chinese culture. The leukemia bone marrow transplant is in the Governor Meridian, and T cells can only be solved from hematopoietic stem cells. The umbilical cord blood is in the Ren Meridian, and the Ren and Du Meridians will not be opened until the 21st century. It is very clear about heaven and earth. Heaven and earth must communicate with each other. Only then can your biological and ecological conditions be good. There is no way if they are isolate.

Because when you are kissing, you are in the two veins of Ren and Du, and when you have sex, you are also in the two veins of Ren and Du, one above the two veins, one below the two veins, when you no longer want to kiss anyone, he may have a lot of pressure. When you reach a certain age, although your two veins are open, but they are not strong enough, then the sexual ability will be lost. This is very normal.

DaDun, if you feel a lot of pressure, or you often have nightmares, soak your feet at night before going to bed, make the temperature a little higher, and put a cyanobacterial stone down. , Use foot soaking to adjust, of course, you have to eat together, and the two meridians of Ren and Du are themselves to absorb energy. Without energy, these two meridians are useless.

Disclaimer: The foods and vitamins mentioned in this article are for advice and do not have medicinal effects such as medical treatment and disease treatment. Please refer to it yourself.
