People born in January of what foods to eat - I Ching -
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People born in January of what foods to eat

Our location is in the northern hemisphere, and it is winter in January.   

People born in January, which is one of the solar calendars January 6 to February 3 daytime born in the western part of the constellation of Capricorn or Aquarius, who was born in January, most have the following characteristics:

Like farther and higher goals, sometimes because of other goals to give up their ongoing work (Capricorn characteristics), like a variety of challenges, but may be reduced to multi-direction without specialization (Aquarius characteristics).

This season of the sun's position: running between the zodiac Capricorn and Aquarius, the magnetic interaction between the strong, are characteristic of the element of "earth."

At this point in time, is between winter and spring, and the beginning of spring meets the Big Chill two solar terms.

The weather is between the end of winter and beginning of spring , snow and ice will melt belong, thriving early spring approaching, gas germinal will play, so the food needed for the balance period: liver ginger soup, bean soup cook glucose. Both foods and is the liver's "wooden" information may be balanced, "soil" attribute of the season.   

People born in January should be suited the foods such like wheat, whole wheat bread, green bean sprouts, Chrysanthemum, lettuce, spinach, sweet potato leaves and other green vegetables and lamb.
