People born in March of what foods to eat - I Ching -
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People born in March of what foods to eat

March is the breath of spring strongest point in time, this time full of energy all the growth in the field can be seen in the floor of lush plants and flowers, animals also began to grow this season, mate.    

People born in March and birthdays is the solar calendar between March 26 to April 24, who are Pisces and Aries.

People born in the month of March, there might be personality traits such as:

Romantic love nature, because too actually become somewhat unrealistic romantic, it is easy for the feelings of love at first sight, first met on the urge to want to get married, are Pisces personality dictates. Another trait from Aries personality like forward, like a busy, how cannot stop all of these effects are Aries.

People born in this month, the sun's position runs between the zodiac of Pisces and Aries, the strongest expansion, this expansion of the energy comes from the five elements of the "wood" energy because still in the springtime, so the grass seedlings growth energy is still evident long. This season has been more than half since the spring, so that endless energy growth will postpone down, ready to enter the summer.

Two solar terms at this month is the equinox and the Ching Ming. Equinox is twenty-four solar terms in a most unique solar terms, many of the world's ancient civilizations to the vernal equinox as the most important demarcation point of the year, organism growth to reach the top here, go out into the diffusion of energy after the summer away. As for the clear, obvious change is the solar term, many seriously ill people, the healer will take Ching Ming as a reference point to, as long as get through this period, people can live on for a while.

In order to be able to feel better and more comfortable at this season, master Yi-Kwei Chen mix of food balance is: Ginseng chicken, and chicken with onion and potato is born this month were the most suitable food.

People born in this month, the other food suitable to eat also includes: cooked beans, rice beans, sprouts, radish, garlic, cabbage, light blue, almonds, brown rice and so on.
