People born in Feb. of what foods to eat - I Ching -
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People born in Feb. of what foods to eat

People born in February of what foods to eat

In February, the end of winter, spring is about to come, but the weather is still cold, even though the land has been out a little sprout, but still chill.

People born in February, that is, people between the solar calendar February 4 to March 5 was born in, in the constellation Aquarius or Pisces belong.

People born in February, most have such features:

Personality may be mild or extreme intense, which is characteristic of Aquarius, not an angel is the devil. It may be filled with a romantic nature, but likely to be an unrealistic, if there is such a situation, is showing the characteristics of Pisces.

The position of the sun at run time points between the zodiac Aquarius and Pisces, the expansion of a strong magnetic force, belonging to the five elements of the "wood" in the five elements, "wood" has characteristics germinal is unique spring energy, all things are at this point in time showing the nature of grass seedlings grow together. Winter has gone, revealed the qualities characteristic of spring.

There are  two solar terms at this point in the time, rain and Jingzhe, by definition, at this point in time there will be rain occurs, all organism will growth rapidly, even hidden in the soil insects volts began woke up. The spring makes biological growth in addition to outside, but also a number of disease epidemics began to appear in the season, you need a lot of attention. 

Food balance this point in time required for: pig intestines with soybeans, which is corresponding to the "wood" in the energy choices made, the large intestine is a gold, Master of Yi-Kwei Chen listed the food choices, whichever is gold could be contractile wood . 

People born in February should be suited the food such like, white radish, bitter gourd, white beans, rice beans, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, cashews, chicken breast with cook basil.
