Master Chen Yikui makes the future - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
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Master Chen Yikui makes the future

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui

"The past accomplishes the present, and the present creates the future" is a familiar phrase to everyone. The research system of Master Chen Yikui also has amazing achievements in the part that makes people successful in the future.

Thanks to modern technology, there are many secrets that were extremely obscured in ancient times and can now be presented in a way that is easier to achieve, so that many people can enjoy their benefits. For example, "Shengji," which has been legendary in ancient China for a long time but few people know about it, is a good example. According to legend, the method of "shengji" originated from Guiguzi in the Warring States Period, burying human hair, nails, and part of blood in powerful places in the mountains, allowing the recipient to receive positive energy induction, thus generating positive body and mind power . Facts have proved that the leaders of the Warring States Period, such as Sun Bin, Su Qin, Zhang Yi and other well-known figures, came from Guiguzi, which proves the effectiveness of the "shengji" method.

In fact, the true face of Shengji is the study of Feng Shui. This unique theory of heaven and earth in China is a unique and ingenious theory in many cultures in the world. It allows people to get the energy of the earth by burying the bones of their ancestors. Master Chen Yikui even researched and transformed this "science of the dead" and turned it into "the science of the living," so that people can find a way to use the energy of the earth while still alive.

In modern times, Master Chen Yikui used modern technology and the theory of I Ching to create a field with more powerful energy than the natural world. He also placed the performer’s hair, nails, and blood (a small amount) in the energy field, and then used it with Chen Yikui. The food theory of the masters can successfully create the best future talents by taking in the correct nutrition.

For decades, there have been many successful entrepreneurs and celebrities who have been guided by Master Chen Yikui. Their lives have been changed by Master Chen Yikui's research for the future, which is an extremely amazing achievement.
