Dr. Chen Yikui's Eight Characters and Acupuncture Research History - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
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Dr. Chen Yikui's Eight Characters and Acupuncture Research History

(Teacher Chen Yikui)

In the 1960s, there was a boom in acupuncture and moxibustion all over the world. In Taiwan, I formed an acupuncture and moxibustion free clinic team to conduct free clinics everywhere, which led to the rise of acupuncture and moxibustion. By the way, at that time, the government conducted an educational survey on the senior doctors who knew acupuncture and moxibustion, and their highest educational background was "literacy". After acupuncture started, I was working at the Taipei Medical College at that time, and I was naturally the instructor of the acupuncture club. At that time, there were 200 people in the day and night departments of the Taipei Medicine Department, and every teaching assistant and lecturer entrusted to call names by me, because I can speak the good way, this is a good opportunity to test the horoscope.

I stipulated that a two-inch half-body photo should be posted on the roll call book, and the date of birth should be filled in. After four years, I can know the result. Like where did his luck cycle go? How is your conduct..., we can see from the statistics that people who like to drink cola are guaranteed to be pawned in one or two subjects. Those who don't eat meat and eggs can pass the test well, but they forget it after the test.

Because I brought a great sensation to the National Salvation Corps, the National Salvation Corps encouraged medical schools to set up acupuncture clubs. All of the acupuncture clubs were taught by me. Except for the National Defense Medical College, which was not involved, the class rolls used this model. After synthesizing the Bazi data, I found out what is the pattern of the Bazi that can be admitted to the university. Those who are the most active and will steal meat are easy to be admitted to the university.

Let’s study what kind of person his mother is of a person with good memory, and find out that his mother is the kind of person who will open a small stove after he has power, and secretly buy what he likes to eat. They're all very smart, and their memory couldn't be better.

In the past, many mothers brought their sons to my consulting firm and scolded her son for being stupid. I told you that you used to be too pure of heart and desires. She said that it was because of her beliefs and her mother was ill, so she was in front of the Bodhisattva. She vowed to be vegetarian until her mother was cured, but the child was born and her mother died. A child's memory is unbelievably bad. He can't remember anything at school. He has ready-made answers for exams and can only get 2 or 30 points in the final exam. I say this is because you didn't eat enough when you were pregnant. Your son has no memory. You have to let your son eat egg yolks, green vegetables and complete vitamins. Her son also promised to eat it. After 5 years, now he is in doctor degree and he is going to be a prosecutor later. People with the same eight characters as him have a lot of memories that are not as bad as his, but can be changed with food.

Disclaimer: The foods and vitamins mentioned in this article are all suggestions for health care and do not have medicinal effects such as medical treatment and disease treatment. Please refer to them yourself. 
