Chicken Blood Stone - Energy/Power -
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Chicken Blood Stone

Billion Years Chicken Blood stone Legend II Chicken Blood Stone  

If a person, like most people in the world, hopes to gain something in wealth, what minerals should be used to resonate?

"If you want to get money, then you need to use bloodstone," Master Chen Yikui said. "The composition of bloodstone is special, and the resonance energy it inspires has a lot to do with wealth.

"In many cases, many rich people will deliberately use bloodstone when stamping their seals. The effect is very obvious. We can almost say that no one who uses bloodstone will fail in wealth. The money is guaranteed to roll in."

However, because the powerful effect of bloodstone has been known for a long time, it is almost impossible to find a large one now. Chicken blood stone was first produced in Changhua, mainland China. "Changhua chicken blood stone" has been a well-known stone that many collectors like to collect since ancient times. In the early days of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Premier Zhou Enlai gave the seal of chicken blood stone to Japan and other foreign heads of state. Therefore Bloodstone is more precious, and in recent years the mining area in Changhua has been closed, so bloodstone has become the best in the eyes of stone collectors.

"Bloodstone is often mixed with other stones in a small amount, so if you can find this small amount of bloodstone, it can be processed into an effective resonance material," said Master Chen Yikui. "And the "chicken blood" component in chicken blood stone is the iron left in the stone after high temperature. This component is especially helpful for "wealth"!" Master Chen Yikui said with a smile. "Since ancient times, rich people have liked to wear bloodstone as a seal, and the resonance effect generated by the knocking of the seal can be of great help to people in the pursuit of wealth!"

"Therefore, bloodstone indicates wealth!"
