The Use of Chicken Blood Enteral Red Stone - Energy/Power -
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The Use of Chicken Blood Enteral Red Stone

Billion Years Chicken Blood stone Legend Part 7 The Use of Chicken Blood Enteral Red Stone 

With a mineral polymer like Billion Years Chicken Blood Red Stone, how to use it? Master Chen Yikui made the following settings for the interaction of human beings, nature, minerals, and resonance.

Rare minerals such as human and field yellowstone, chicken blood stone, etc., must have a "moving" mechanism to generate energy resonance. This "moving" mechanism is used in Buddhism and Tantric Buddhism by wearing it on the body or rubbing it with fingers.

If it is made into a seal, the "pop" action of stamping is enough to stimulate energy and produce an impact.

However, "Chicken Blood Eternal Red" is a tubular container filled with various rare energy ores. It is not suitable to rub it with your fingers or tap it hard. Therefore, Master Chen Yikui designed a container that can rotate by itself. Put the "chicken blood hundred million year red" on the base, pass it with direct current, and rotate it at different speeds to stimulate the energy of "Billion years chicken blood red".

The mechanism of ancient Chinese metaphysics, coupled with the modification of the modern living environment, is master Chen Yikui's exhaustive research for more than 20 years, inspired by the crystallization of Chinese wisdom for thousands of years: the study of Feng Shui, the result is this Strange "chicken blood billion years red stone" energy resonance system.

 Also because of the advent of such creative products, the success stories of Tian Huang stone, Chicken Blood Stone, Qingtian Stone and the great men of the past that have become legends in the Chinese Feng Shui system can be reproduced in the new generation of the 21st century.
