(七) Treatment of YangHouse eight Sha Water - I Ching -
Word class:

(七) Treatment of YangHouse eight Sha Water

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

Now go back and talk about the crack of the Yang House Sha water, first determine whether the drainage system (toilet) is Sha, for example, sitting on Zi mountain, the toilet is in Mao position, then the toilet is a Sha, if you live in the building when you with Sha Water, you usually can't solve it. If the building is an RC structure, it is impossible for you to completely solve the drainage system. The people in the whole building are absolutely not allowed to do this. What should you do? Dr. Chen Yikui's solution is to not use the original drainage system, but to use the original drainage system as usual, but to solve the problem of Sha through the method of generating five ghosts. This is divided into two series. If it is operated by the mountain series, the drainage system in the house should be a series of water-based methods, that is, the word circle in the Luojing (Practical Yijing compass). This is the treatment of the Yang house has nothing to do with the Yin House. First list the 24 mountains as follows. The 壬子癸丑艮寅甲卯乙辰巽巳丙午丁未坤申庚酉辛戌乾亥癸, in the water were not base on five element, it must with the number of Gua.The number of Gua is based on the order of Zhou Yi, using the number of words in this order to determine yin and yang, such as the Dua Gua itself contains the early heaven 24 mountains or 24 direction’s Si You Chou. But Dua is an even number so it is Yin, and the Dui Guy’s water and incoming water to the outgoing water are called Yin water. The number of Zhou Yi’s order is set to 94382761 (Qian9, Dui 4, Li 3, Zhen 8, Xun 2, Kan 7, Gen 6, Kun 1), 9371 is yang, which has nothing to do with the yin and yang of Gua in divination. The Li in divination is yin, but it is yang here, so there is no absolute yin and yang in Gua itself, and there are no hard rules for the 24 mountains to be applied, it is determined according to the things that are put in, it is yin or yang, Qian Jia and so on, and some people who study the eight characters are very persistent. It is determined that Yi is Yin and Bing is Yang, and is no way to accept this setting of Feng Shui.

The number indicated on the 24th mountain of the circle above the compass (with a number of words), the number of the acquired circle represent the later heavenly number, the original Gua number stay the same, only the number are different than the representative number in Yi Jing.





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It takes 6 years to eliminate the negative effects of the Sha water by this method. If someone moves into the house of the Sha water, it will take only 3 years to completely lose; Taiwanese have a saying, good does not respond immediately, bad happened quickly. It can be seen that the will of a person is quite remarkable. Even the ghosts and gods are afraid of you. The Taiwanese still have one sentence saying that if you are not afraid of death, even the King of Jurass is afraid of you, so you must rely on yourself, by yourself, not only the King of Jurass is afraid of you, even the ghosts are afraid of you.

How to do? First find out where the mountain you live in is the word on the circle where there is a number of words (the mountain in the 24th mountain), remember the number of the word (represented by A), and then see what you are doing. The work (represented by B, the number of representatives of different types of work, listed below), and then eat the corresponding number of food (10 foods, represented by numbers).

Sitting on the mountain (A) + food (?) = work to do (B)

Sitting on the mountain (A) is: 12346789.

The ten foods are: ss1~ss10.

Figures representing work (B): 3=competition competition, 4=submission of literature, 5=five ghost, business and marketing, 7=food and beverage, health food.

Number of sitting mountains (A) + number of foods we want to eat (?) = number of jobs (B).

For example, sitting on Zi mountain is 1, work is a catering industry 7, then 1 + 6 = 7, so you can eat food ss6. Our mouth is the hole in the toilet. What is sitting on the mountain? What to eat, adds up, which is equal to work.

Dr. Chen Yikui once again reminded that these studies are conclusions drawn from actual experiments, which can be said to be precious. But it is not that after eating food, it is impossible to lift the legs and wait for the money from the sky at home. The food is to help eliminate the negative impact of the Sha , and you must work hard to have results. I have talked about the broad on knowledge, good health and hard work.
