(四十一) The wind and water are advancing with the times - I Ching -
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(四十一) The wind and water are advancing with the times

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

The Yijing of the Zhou Dynasty was talking about the natural ecology, and then the conclusion was made from the observation of the natural ecological phenomenon of the sky and land. The content used to represent this conclusion is Gua, such as doing the heavens as Qian, Kun for the earth...etc. Speaking of natural ecology, these natural ecological phenomena are summarized into sixty-four hexagram, which also contains Qian  Gua and Kun Gua, so the entire educational thought of Zhou dynasty was the most successful, and his national success continued 824 years, it was only after Qin Shihuang unified the six countries that this situation changed.

Zhou Yi’s work was completed in 1405 BC. There is a big coincidence here. It was the Ming Dynasty’s emperor Zhu Xi’s cultural system since the Han Dynasty and the integration of the historical architecture. The time for completing the Forbidden City was in 1405 AD. year. The Chinese will have systematic fantasies and accomplishments based on some coincidences. In the Chinese society, about 90% of the culture is rumored by percentage, and only 10% is from real experience. And the experience is all from the dictation, so after the foreign culture enters China, 90% of our rumors are all gone, and only 10% of the experience and culture can exist. . Therefore, we must embark on the scientific model of foreign culture.

Our Chinese reading arts are a combination of experience and culture. How can foreign cultures develop, and these arts will not be broken. If you look at the Feng Shui or face reading, you will not be smashed. Because they are all from experience, we must use modern technology to explain our feng shui, see if we can explain it with foreign concepts. If we can, then our experience of academics will not only be broken, but also get everyone's approval. Why does Dr. Chen Yikui go this way? In 1969 The People’s Republic of China took a film and sent it to the United States through Henry Alfred Kissinger of the United States. The United States then copied it. This film is a heart disease patient who only has three needles on and then opens the chest. The heart is beating while the patient is still eating watermelon. All the people in the American medical community look straight and have a big question mark. Is this true? The film was brought to the United States by Kissinger. Is it really? Kissinger said: It is true. He said that such a remarkable country, can we not recognize him?The Americans step by step at the United Nations to recognize the People’s Republic of China to replace the Republic of China, to establish diplomatic relations, and no longer recognize the Republic of China.

Another film is to take two needles from the foot and the head, open the skull, and still go out his wards to drink 200cc of milk. Seeing that the Americans are fainting, the acupuncture is sensational. Everyone went to study the theory of anesthesia in acupuncture theory. Under this circumstance, he mobilized to the Soviet scientists. He believed that the magnetic field generated by the human body should be able to be tested. Finally, the magnetic field was generated by the principle of ultra-high voltage, and the color negative film was sensed by the induction of the magnetic field. It is called Kirlian Photography. This kind of photography, Dr. Chen Yikui is the first one, but I don't want to promote it. It was only ten years ago that XX officially bought the camera from the United States, a 00. I heard that he bought ten and only sold one. This kind of thing, Dr. Chen Yikui, was done in 1972. At that time, it was presided over by Chen Lifu. The chief executive was Dr. Chen Yikui. The technicians were all secret agents of the Central Intelligence Bureau. The laboratory was a hospital managed by the Intelligence Bureau in the mountains. In the experiment, it was found that the waves emitted by the human body were different. During the experiment, it was found that drinking coffee also affected the waves. The more the coffee was printed, the more obvious the color was. I knew at the time that could know if the plant was about to die or not. Just take the leaves and take a photo to see if the leaves are going to die or not, because if the plants have no Chi, they will die. But when Dr. Chen Yikui didn't believe this speculation, he took a leaf and put it in the book for three days and took it for photography. Of course it was dead, but the tree was not dead. The problem now is that this leaf is dead. The tree is dead.

Many writers will say that "there is nothing more than the heart death". It looks like he is not dead, but his heart is dead. Can this dead heart be tested? If you look at the ECG, your heartbeat is still beating. Dr. Chen Yikui reminded us that we are studying the craftsmanship, but don't take the road of that school, you must take the academic road, you can stand on the ground, and you will not be crushed by the foreign culture. We are the culture of experience. If you are a culture, you must use Western technology to make the imported foreign culture coexist with us. We can use our things to coexist with society.

Dr. Chen Yikui said that when talking about ultra-high voltage, I remembered that there were couples who had a pharmacy in Wuxing Street a long time ago. There were three people in a family of four who were sick. They went to the hospital to check and could not find a problem. The only gentleman in the family who went to the hospital went to see Dr. Chen Yikui. Dr. Chen Yikui said that you should first understand the surrounding environment. I didn't expect that there would be a transformer from the 1st floor of the house with a power of 11,000 volts to 3300 volts. The main reason is to supply electricity to several buildings nearby. Their rooms are just in the vicinity of the transformer. It is no wonder that they get ill, this kind of magnetic wave can not resist the general brick wall. It must be blocked by X-ray radiation to block the interference of electromagnetic waves. At that time, more than 400,000 yuan was used to build the wall with lead bricks. After one year, the whole family will not regenerate. It can be seen that when you study feng shui, you must understand the sources of interference generated by the surrounding, that is, what the ancients said, the descendants are called gravity, and the greater the mass, the greater the gravity. This is what Isaac Newton Published, F=Gm1m2/r2, we live in this world. Everyone says that the spring flowers are full of land, making people feel happy, and the saddest thing is that in late autumn and winter, there is a meta-written song that is very expressive, called heaven. Jingsha. Qiu Si, wrote:

The old vines with old crow , the bridges are flowing, and the cold windy roads skinny horse walk.

Sunset, heartbroken people in the horizon.

This kind of scene is the end of autumn. This is written by Ma Zhiyuan. How good the writing is, so why is there such a scene? It is the problem of the sun, the angle between the sun and the earth, and the gravitational forces on both sides include the radiated heat. At different times, the scenes it presents are different. People feel sentimental when they feel this kind of autumn scenery. The emotion of the so-called broken heart is coming out. When you have time to go to Canada's BC, you must go to two places. The mood is completely different in these two places, because the environment is completely different. The first thing to look at is the neat and large flower to go to Victoria. I believe that as long as you step into it. When you go, you will feel that the Jade Emperor is not as good as you, because the Jade Emperor is in the midst of the mist, and there is nothing. After a friend of the bhikshuni went to Victoria, she said to Dr. Chen Yikui that I heard your words. After that, I will eat whatever meat, and she thinks that the Western Paradise is not even so beautiful. Many wealthy people in Taiwan immigrated to Canada. After they got Canadian citizens, they all went to Victoria. Although it is very inconvenient to go there, if you want to take a ferry to Vancouver, it is just fine. It has been there ever. Never was a boat accident because there was no typhoon.

Another place is the glaciers, only the ice, and the mood is completely different after going. If you are in a bad mood, you can go to Qinghai. Dr. Chen Yikui said that he later realized that during the Cultural Revolution, why changed his mind to send people to Qinghai. Just like during the Qing Dynasty or the Ming Dynasty, Wei Zhongxian sent people out to outer land, probably as long as they were outside, it was unclear. This is related to the magnetic field energy of the surrounding environment. The energy of the magnetic field is related to the creature. If the creature grows very vigorously in this place, you will be very prosperous when you come to this place. Why do the nomads go to the grassland to raise a lot of cattle and many sheep? Because the creature grows strong, he will be rich, why do you go to the oasis in the desert? Because there are creatures, but don't be fooled by the previous people, go into the mountains to practice the Tao, it will be go to the death, because there is nothing in the mountains. When you are free to take a look at Dunhuang in Gansu, according to Dr. Chen Yikui’s research, Dunhuang Grottoes are rich people who are looking for the poor to dig into the caves. Dunhuang culture is a poor man who is a slave to excavate in order to make a living. Dr. Chen Yikui now believes that Chinese culture is a culture born of extreme poverty, including the Great Wall.

From the above discussion, we can know that if you want to be healthy and rich, you have to go to a crowded place. If you want to make money, you have to go to a place with lots of people. Don't go to Alishan to set up a booth. Therefore, if you look at Feng Shui to see the temperament, some people ask Dr. Chen Yikui that Taiwan’s energy is not prosperous. Dr. Chen Yikui said that it is very prosperous. Is there a magnitude 7.3 earthquake that is not prosperous? Its energy is equivalent to the explosion of 46 atomic bombs! What about the energy boom? Dr. Chen Yikui said that it depends on how everyone walks. If everyone goes hard to move forward, then Taiwan’s economic growth will be twice high three years later. After the 921 earthquake, everyone forgot to do the show, called every day. People donated money for more than ten days. They are still making donations. Everyone is not downcast. This means that the Chi is very strong, and because the earthquake allowed Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China to join the WTO at the same time.

How was the People’s Republic of China successful? In early 1971, Mao Zedong invited the American table team to a friendly match in China with the Chinese team, which made a breakthrough in the relationship between the two countries. In February 1972, US President Nixon visited mainland China, and the Tangshan earthquake occurred on July 28, 1976. On January 1st, the United States established diplomatic relations. In the same year, Deng Xiaoping began to implement the reform and opening up policy. It is now the world's second-largest country. If there is no Tangshan earthquake in mainland China, the Gang of Four will not be down, and it will not be with the United States. Deng Xiaoping is impossible to come up. When there is no reform and opening up, China will not develop. According to the recorded earthquake in mainland China, 240,000 people died, which is 100 times that of ours. But at that time they were one billion people, Taiwan was just one in ten thousand, and China was four thousand and one hundredth. It is obvious that Taiwan’s development may be slower because the proportion of earthquake deaths in Taiwan is relatively small. According to the Japanese record, Taiwan’s biggest earthquake in 1906, about 500 people died, one in five in Taiwan’s land. It has only been in operation for 30 years, and all the railways and highways in Taiwan have been opened, including the planning of each state, Taipei State, Hsinchu State, and Danshui River, including the planning of Sun Moon Lake Reservoir, Shimen Reservoir, and Zengwen Reservoir. At that time, European culture was introduced, and the presidential palace, the public sales bureau, and the Taipei railway station were built. These are Western cultures. If Japan does not provoke the Pacific War, the whole force will be placed in Manchuria in northeastern China and Taiwan, the development will be incredible at that time. Taiwan will be the true pearl of the Orient. It shows that many successes and failures have a great relationship with people.
