Bazi Case Study (95) BaZi and Feelings (14) ~ Shen month Wu day - I Ching -
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Bazi Case Study (95) BaZi and Feelings (14) ~ Shen month Wu day

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

hour day month year

   戊    丙    戊    壬

   辰    戌    申    子

Question: I took a lot of debts from my husband and clamored for a divorce, because my husband has a woman outside. The condition for divorce is to give my husband a sum of money before he is willing to let her son custody. How to reduce the pressure, and get the divorce done?

Answer: There are too many shoulder-to-shoulders. There are five Wu, so no matter who she marries, her husband can easily support others. Her Bing has no roots. Wu day should use Ding and Jia in Shen month, complete vitamins, perfect protein (which can provide 22 amino acids, three egg yolks), good fat, good starch, eat three egg yolks, it will be resolved in October in the Gregorian calendar.

Question: Only those who are weak will have money after the resources luck cycle F, but her resource cycle has already passed. What should she do? How will she leave in the future?

Answer: First, take two capsules Jia , three egg yolks, complete vitamins and seed oil. After you have settled it with your husband, then come to eat resource, egg yolk and seed oil, and eat it every day.

