Bazi case study (97) BaZi and Feelings (15) ~ Ji day, Chou month - I Ching -
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Bazi case study (97) BaZi and Feelings (15) ~ Ji day, Chou month

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

hour day month year

    壬   己   辛   丙

    申   卯   丑   辰

Question: I eat Yi and two egg yolks every day. When will I be married?

Answer: One more egg yolk, and then add seed oil. Yi is seven killingS. Why don’t women use Zheng Guan Ji? Two capsules of Zhen Guan Jia are better, complete vitamins and seed oil, perfect protein (can provide 22 kinds of amino acids, Egg yolk three), good fat, good starch and fiber. After November 22nd, there will be objects. November is the month of Hai, Ren Jia, Ren is Zheng Cai, Jia is Zheng Guan, and the other party is full of money.
