Bazi case study (100) BaZi and Exam Luck (7) ~ Ding day Chen month - I Ching -
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Bazi case study (100) BaZi and Exam Luck (7) ~ Ding day Chen month

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)


hour day month year

     壬   丁   戊   己

     子   卯   辰   未

Q: Can an accountant be admitted?

Answer: Men are very capable with a real ShangGuan pattern. It is a bit difficult to pass the test to be an accountant because he doesn’t work hard enough. The smarter people think they have no problems, so they can’t pass the test. Smart people don’t want to memorize, smart people can't pass the exams that they need to memorize, and they won't work even if they pass .

Question: How does it work to make it easy to get admitted?

Answer: A variety of nutrients are required, including 18 vitamins and trace minerals, three egg yolks, good fats, good starch and fiber, and seed oil.


hour day month year

     癸   己    庚   甲

     酉   丑    午   寅

Q: Can I pass the special exam?

Answer: The Jia year of the exam is a little better. Ji was born in Wu month and is self strong. Geng Wu month Geng is a “quigang”. It is better for Geng to have no roots. If you want to take the test, you must work hard, complete vitamins, and perfect. Protein (can provide 22 kinds of amino acids, three egg yolks), fine fat, good starch and fiber, seed oil.

Q: Is it suitable to marry the above man?

Answer: Yes, both of them are ShangGuan. They must be reasonable in scolding every day.
