Meridians and Acupuncture (2-2) Overview of the Twelve Meridians - I Ching -
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Meridians and Acupuncture (2-2) Overview of the Twelve Meridians

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

The Neo-Confucianism in the Song Dynasty was very developed, and the meridians in the Huangdi Neijing Lingshu chapter did not talk about the relationship with the hexagrams. But when did they talk about the relationship of hexagrams? It was probably talked about during the Warring States period. However, during the Warring States period, including the Han Dynasty, their meridians used the odd meridians and eight meridians, and after the Zhou Dynasty, they only used the odd meridians and eight meridians. The two channels of Ren and Du, the other six sub-channels divide it into twelve meridians, and they are listed on the twelve earthly branches. He wants to make a problem between the outside and the inside. This is the application of yin and yang. The outside and the inside are mutually exclusive. A teacher’s explanation is different, but his apprentice makes a different one. What does he say? The lung and the large intestine belong to metal. The two are the outer and inner sides of each other, and they can be used as the outer surface or the inner side. If you regard the large intestine as the outer surface, the lung is the inner side, and the large intestine is regarded as the inner side, and the lung is the outer surface. They are both external and internal. Our current thinking is that the surface should be outside, and the inside should be inside. After that, the lungs are where the lungs are, and the large intestines are where the large intestines are. There is no one inside and the other outside. Therefore, it is a great explanation for the Chinese to say that they are both outside and inside.

The outside and the inside came out like this, but in the Song Dynasty, because of Neo-Confucianism, he paid great attention to the interpretation of the Yin-Yang and Five Elements in the Book of Changes. Therefore, several of the ideas of Neo-Confucianism in the Song Dynasty at that time were very remarkable. Zhu Xi took the divination of the Zhouyi Set the time and space next to each line, so after Zhu Xi, how accurate is the divination, and what will happen to you in the afternoon of a certain year, month, and day, and to such an extent, this is after Zhu Xi, because he used the principles of Neo-Confucianism to make it a quantifiable and very successful.

Therefore, after acupuncture was obtained from Wang Weiyi’s eight meridians and the two meridians, the six sub-merges were changed into twelve meridians. It was very successful. This is Wang Weiyi. This evolved and Yang Jizhou organized it in the Ming Dynasty, but when Yang Jizhou organized the acupuncture encyclopedia at that time, he also collected things handed down from ancient times, that is, the entire usage of the Qi Meridian and Eight Channels. The results of the final experiment can be used, maybe after the Song Dynasty, the correction was more appropriate. It also used the day selection, the eight methods of the tortoise, and the twelve acupoints of the Emperor. He was very remarkable. One person studied acupuncture and moxibustion at all three hundred and sixty acupoints. Well, finally become immortal. Anyone who comes to him will open the four acupoints first, namely Hegu and Taichong. In fact, there are only two acupuncture points. He lives to be 72 years old and has tens of thousands of students. Finally, the students saw the patients also prescribed four points, but the students prescribed none of them worked. That's why I told you all the facts, that is, if you have to study thoroughly, everyone has their own characteristics, and often some people just give it a shot and it will be effective. There are a few strange people in Taiwan. It doesn't matter if they have not used the points, they are all good at pricks. His students are all university graduates. He doesn't have to go to a teacher. You have to keep a record of what points I talk about. Mr. Dong Jingchang is very famous, and he is an extremely successful master.

Let’s talk a little bit about Yang Jizhou’s whole story. He collected all the factions and departments in his book. When I read Acupuncture and Moxibustion Dacheng in 1949, Sun Peirong was in the middle of the illegal building on Xinyi Road. At that time, Chen Cheng was building an international school in the middle of the illegal building on Xinyi Road. At that time, I felt that the entire medical culture in China was very chaotic, and the records were very mixed. Sometimes I had to recite mantras, and there were records of those days when I could not do them. Because there were many people who wanted to learn acupuncture and moxibustion, intellectuals wanted to learn acupuncture, so I sorted it out. When sorting it out, I was very straightforward and didn't talk about theory. As long as there is something related to acupuncture and moxibustion, I collected it in, so when I compiled it, it was in 1966 (Republic of China 55). The prototype of this book was completed in 1949. By 1970 (Republic of China 59), the People’s Republic of China published it to the world. Two articles on acupuncture and moxibustion were made into a big foreign propaganda film, which scared the US Congress to a faint. Why? Only two needles can open the heart. After the needle is pierced, the person opens the heart and presses the blood vessels. While the heart is beating, he can also drink milk. The United States thinks how their medicine has advanced to this point. The heart is not under general anesthesia. Also drink milk, this is the first one. The second one opened his brain, opened his brain and he would still eat watermelon, these two films brought down the United States. The United States said that if it did not recognize the People's Republic of China, we would collapse, and the United States Would report it. Many doctors and medical students, seeing that I needle for others, all wanted to learn. I said that they need to learn materials. The photocopiers in 1949 had to be copied on Hengyang Road, and all records were available. It’s very difficult to make a photocopy elsewhere. In the end, I asked the students to engrave the information I collected. The location of an acupuncture channel. Worse, they didn’t know the location of the acupuncture channel. Take notes, there were forty people. Everyone draws the same acupuncture points. In the end, none of them are the same. What should I do? The acupuncture club was formally established when it was organized. It was in 1971 (the 60th year of the Republic of China). When it was established, there were hundreds of people. I said that I teach only those who really want to read. Finally, those who really want to read. Because the teaching time of medical students is different, we also have classes on Saturdays. On Sundays, I work as part of the night department of the pharmacy department, but I can not do it! I can only teach on Saturdays. At the end divided the work, I asked a National Taiwan University technician for acupuncture points to draw anatomical diagrams and draw them all. I spent a lot of money and I had to draw the parts clearly. I can put a lot of pictures, one page with six pictures, compiled and sent to the students, the acupuncture points, and tendons and achilles nerves inside must be written out. Finally, four girls in the night department will sort them out. This book was completed in 1972 (Republic of China 61), and gradually revised. The book Huangdi Neijing and Acupoint Studies has now been published in the 52nd edition. This edition is completely retyped. The fonts are all new, re-proofreading, and truly new. It was the 52nd edition, only 1,000 copies were printed, because it took two years to finish the compilation, and the cost was too high.

So why do I want to do this book of Meridian and Acupuncture? Because there are too many students, there is no way to talk to them one by one, so I have to make a very standard textbook, and find the most obvious one for everyone to see. In this way, I don’t need to point out Hegu one by one. There will be more than two or three hundred people at a time. The class was over, so I did this meridian acupuncture. This is a very successful book. Many people who study acupuncture and moxibustion affirm this book, so even the National Taiwan University Medical College uses this book for acupuncture and moxibustion. Western medicine practitioners all over the country also use this book for acupuncture and moxibustion, both dentists and pharmacists. Although there was no money to sell this book at the time, it was given to others. I printed the book and gave it away, so my books were flying all over the sky. At that time, the sales of this book of acupoints were better than the sales of the Bible.

The Song Dynasty came down like this. When I did this kind of therapy, I used the hexagrams set by Zhu Xi at that time, and the sixty-four hexagrams used Zhu Xi's pattern to find the Zi Yao by the way of divination. Then look at the hexagrams of Zi Yao. In that hexagram palace, look for the meridian of that hexagram. If you count the line from the bottom, we will count from the finger, regardless of the toe or finger, to the line. If it is a Zi line, no matter what kind of disease you are, once the divination comes out, plunge in like this, and his symptoms will be resolved. So what is acupuncture? Many people who study Taoist meditation believe that acupuncture and moxibustion are the highest state of Taoism, and the highest state of Taoist graduate students of physiology. Therefore, acupuncture can be calculated by time. No matter what kind of person you are, as long as any person is on this earth, at that time, no matter what, the acupuncture points are effective.

There is a Tianhou Temple in Chiayi, the largest temple in Puzi. We went to did a free clinic. At that time, I was taking students from National Chengchi University. Oops, they all majored in liberal arts in Chengchi University. It’s very difficult if you don’t study medicine and the human body. You tell me what to do if a patient entrusts it to him. In the end, we all use a divination and ask the patient to draw a sign. What hexagrams, then written on our hexagrams, where is the Zi Yao, what? We all write down the palace, and that person knows what the palace’s meridian is. Zi Yao pierces the toe 1, 2, 3 and the third. There are more than 200 people a morning, and we only have 40 students. 10 minutes and it’s over. At noon, the temple even arranged a table for us to eat, admiring that these children are better than our old man. It didn't work the next day. TCM doctors and Chinese pharmacies from all over the county came around, saying that their illnesses had been cured, and no one wanted to buy medicines, which caused trouble.

There are many acupuncture treatment methods. We have more than one hundred people here. You can use more than one hundred methods. We often create many miracles. My acupuncture is so famous. After I learned it at the time, I took only four needles and traveled everywhere. People who were in pain would not feel pain after rubbing them in. I ate there at noon.
