Meridian and Acupuncture (3-3) - I Ching -
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Meridian and Acupuncture (3-3)

 (Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

Acupoints on the Hand (3)

Page 71, Foot Yangming Stomach Meridian, this meridian is replaced by the letter "Wu" in the ten stems, the five elements belong to the Yang soil, the qi and blood, chen hour (7-9 a.m. in the local standard time) Qi and blood inject this. It contains the energy of chen. If your stomach does not have this energy, you will have stomach problems. If there is more energy shortage, the negative energy will run out and stomach cancer will occur.

So there were many stomach cancers in the past, and Japanese have the most stomach cancers. When I was in charge of promoting acupuncture, my name in Taiwan was very sensational. There was a Japanese that was also very sensational in Japan. He was a clinic opened by a doctor of western medicine, and he was also there. He studied acupuncture and moxibustion. He came to Taiwan. The two professional and personal research were different. He studied electric current using direct current. Now all the use of acupuncture and moxibustion electric current was created by this gentleman. The earliest one was called Liangdaoluo. He asked me, I said I was teaching crude medicine. He was surprised because he could not. He was in western medicine and he knew meridian, but he was very good at physics and electricity. The basis for the development of bioenergy in Germany is a good guide network here all the electronic needles and needles are from that time. When we met, we met in 1973 (Republic of China 62). He asked me if I had any insights into Chinese medicine. I said that the Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic is amazing. He can’t understand the Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic. I don’t understand Western medicine. But I have served in the medical school. I have the bones and flesh of dead people. I've touched it, and I know a little bit, but I don't know much about pathology.

He said that there are a lot of gastric cancers in Japanese people, and the cancer will grow in the place where the qi and blood disappears. So where does the anger come from? From blood, what is blood? Chen, Qi is Wu, what is Chen? Reptiles (crocodile meat).

The wisdom of the Chinese people, Chen has Yi wood and Wu Gui, there is the Qi (kidney) in Chen, Wu (stomach) itself, and Yi (liver) are all three things. In the forty years of the Republic of China, a very famous thing, eat two cans a week, if you eat it for half a year, you will be impotent. Because of the stomach, if you lose stomach acid, there will be no kidney water. If there is no kidney water, you will be finished. Therefore, people with long-term gastric ulcers will have no sexual ability early. The same is true for women. People with long-term gastric ulcers are not interested in sex.

Second comes the digestive system liver. So liver cancer is thought to be stomach disease at the beginning. Indigestion feels like stomach disease. In fact, it doesn’t. When you first start liver disease, you will feel indigestion. Sometimes you have to start treatment from the stomach. It is not treated with the stomach. If it can't be cured, people with liver cirrhosis are the same. Liver cirrhosis has just started thinking that he is a stomach disease, but the result is not. In the end, he knows about liver cirrhosis. When will he know about it? When there is a lot of bleeding, because the stomach is connected to the liver! This theory is very remarkable.

Song of Foot Yangming Stomach Meridian:










It has a total of 45 acupuncture points and a total of 90 acupuncture points on the left and right. You only need to protect the stomach. Why people with stomach problems cannot sleep at night, especially those with gastric ulcers. Gui water is the kidney and has a very good calming function. People with a bad stomach are prone to muscle tension. The liver governs the tendons, and tendons are the basis for the tension of the muscles themselves. If you have a bad stomach, you just can’t bear it, and you can’t bear it if you don’t have soil.

At the beginning, a large amount of negative ions are provided to protect your whole thing from oxidation, then when your body does not meet the needs of such nutrients, the natural blood vessels will shrink. Because you are reducing, the blood vessels will be reduced. Contraction, you will have a headache. This kind of headache is good for bathing. Soak the bath to the belly button. Use a temperature of about 38~40 degrees, and put a stone cyanobacteria (10.8cmx10.8cm), soak it to the belly button. The pain disappeared after soaking to sweat.

If you have the stone cyanobacteria at home, you must do this. We are now in a mess of declining fertility in Taiwan, and we can’t give birth. Taiwan’s population will not remain 23 million forever. No one will give birth. We are old. If you die, there will be no one in Taiwan, so how can it be done, so everyone should be healthy, how can it be easy to be healthy? When cooking rice, it is best to eat brown rice and throw in a small cyanobacteria. If it’s good, each person will cook two large seed oils together in the rice. I think the rice cooked with seed oil and cyanobacteria is very delicious, with a salted egg yolk is very nutritious. Everyone should do it, I hope everyone is healthy and alive.
