Introduction to the application of Gua and meridians (3) - I Ching -
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Introduction to the application of Gua and meridians (3)

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui) 

There are eight Gua, Qian Dui Li Zhen Xun Kan Gen Kun. Here are the head, heels, legs, hands and arms. Gua has a special feature. The bottom is yin. We walk on the ground, and the kidney meridian is pure yin below.

In the entire universe, is the earth yin or yang? Tai Chi has a white here, black there, black is space, white is stars, stars will shine, so it is white. The place that does not shine is called black hole. Black is called yin, holding yin and holding yang, holding yin is basically yin and holding yang, yang is what you can see, and what you can't see at all is yin, and what you see a little bit is yang, called planets.

In principle, the earth is on the side of the yin in comparison with the universe. If the earth is compared with the moon, the earth is yang. This is an analogy. The I Ching itself is a combination of analog and corresponding two, which is relative. The Book of Changes is not digital. Therefore, I Ching can be explained by the theory of relativity, so it is active in this way, so the universe is in motion. In this kind of Tai Chi, the Chinese make it into 28 constellations. It can be seen that there are 14 constellations in this place. There are also fourteen stars in this place.

The hands are always yang upward, the hands are yang, and the feet are yin. So how does it move with yang on the top and yin on the bottom?

The hands are opposite to the feet, and yin and yang are opposed. In this antagonistic ecology, it must be completely similar. The hands and feet have five toes, which are completely similar. The feet have soles, and the hands and palms are also similar. The bones of the feet are similar to the bones of the feet, and the bones of the hands and hands are similar, so the arms and thighs are also similar. There is only one on the top and one on the bottom. Its movement is exactly the opposite. So when you walk, see if anyone walks with the same hands and feet like this. No, it must be the opposite. I use this theory. It's a sensation.

My theory is a balance theory, so the final theory of Chinese medicine is to neutralize, restore a very stable order, how to neutralize? When the shoulder pole is picking something, if the light side is lighter, and the other side will be lifted up when you add something to it, it will be balanced. Now if the foot hurts, is the hand longer? No way, if you regard your fulcrum as a fixed point, continue to add things. By analogy, your foot hurts somewhere, and the thumb of your foot hurts. If you tap the thumb of the opposite hand, your foot will no longer hurt. You will know if you try it. The principle is that both sides are painful. I taught this theory. Not a single doctor in Taiwan believes it. Take them for an internship. I will give you the needle. When you go back to the clinic, when you encounter this situation, rub the needle with alcohol and rub it down, and succeed, you will call Teacher Chen you are really amazing. They are all professor-level. Because I said that, the left thumb hurts. Go back and take something to tap the right thumb. The doctor thinks that the thumb is hurting. Instead, you want your thumb to hurt even more. I said no, it hurts on both sides, then it doesn’t hurt.

Let's talk about why it doesn't hurt. It doesn't hurt because you knock it hurt. Why it doesn't hurt, and why it hurts, I can’t explain it. Why does it hurt, why it hurts, the theory is different. Why doesn’t it hurt, because you knock it, it doesn’t hurt, so why does it hurt, the problem of potential difference, so I changed the way of electricity, the painful place, use electricity to pass it in, the electricity is connected, the road is connected, It doesn't hurt anymore.

When you turn on the power, you need to drop the temperature. If it drops below four degrees and then turns on the power, it will relieve the pain. Then why should the temperature drop? All the pain, the pain area, the temperature is higher than the normal temperature, so you just need to set the temperature down. If it drops, it won’t hurt if you pass it through, and it’s resolved. This is the result of research.

In the past, many physiologists thought that applying ice to the painful area was to lower the temperature, but ice would not necessarily reduce inflammation! Therefore, it must be powered on. After the power is turned on, the peripheral electrons of the inflamed cells are rearranged and arranged to make all the inflammations so that you can get better. If you apply it only with ice, it is still inflamed, so it will not work, so it must be cooled down. I worked on this cooling down for a year.

The painkillers are used, but it still hurts. So why is it like this? Because the theory of meridian in the whole Bagua is the theory of electric current, and the theory of electric current is like this. These two systems are supplied with one yin and one yang, which is the two systems of yin and yang. The two systems have three hands and feet. Called three-phase. Three-phase current, three-phase is enough power. If you want to fight with others, you can't use single-phase, but three-phase. Two hands and two feet add up to three-phase.

When I talked about electricity just now, I completely used the principle of electric motors. Why do we people understand this? It is the relationship between electricity that produces magnetism. After the interaction, the magnetoelectricity exchanges, and resonance waves are generated during the exchange.

Our heart is as big as the palm of the hand. When pushed like this, the whole capillaries come back and go out. The big and the small ones add up, including the kidneys, which are very tiny. It's coincidental. It's not absolutely right. Add them up and lengthen them. It happens to be around the earth for 40,000 kilometers. Don’t underestimate it, including the cells coming in and the capillaries underneath, just around the earth. It doesn’t matter whether you are fat or thin, but this person must be an adult. A pregnant baby doesn’t count. As long as you are mature, no matter how short you are, Its blood vessels are like this, they can circle the earth. So people are animals on the earth, just by coincidence. It can be seen that we cannot do without the ground. Therefore, Taoism is very good, but the earth, the earth and the heaven, the heaven and the Dao, and the Dao are natural. It was originally nature, and who created humans, it evolved.

One yin and one yang are called Ren Du two meridians, and the mouth means to be supplied.

Electricity supplies electricity and supplies twelve meridians. Here is Qian Du Li Zhen, the head is the hand, and Xun Kan Gen Kun is the foot. In its entire operation, the supply of yin and yang electricity will become three-phase here. When electricity is turned in this way, the activity will be complete. The activity corresponds to it. Why is there three phases, one for this phase, three yin and three yang for this phase, and then for this phase, this for this phase? Three, in this way, the electricity keeps turning. When turning, the corresponding meridian is completely reversed.

Look at the yin and yang from the bottom, it reverses it. We call it the antigua, or Zhen gua, and the swaying gua. They use many principles to explain this kind of movement. After the three yins and three yangs lift on and hold, the whole reverse hexagram with the opposite dynamics will turn around like this, where these energies come from, and after one yin and one yang enter, it will turn around like this.

So this becomes the hand. It has two meridians, the lung meridian and the large intestine meridian, the heart meridian and the small intestine meridian. The feet have six meridians: stomach meridian, spleen meridian, bladder meridian, kidney meridian, gallbladder meridian and liver meridian.

Finally, it is known that the current is in operation. Like the motion of a coil, it will definitely generate a magnetic field. By analogy, the current technology is to use a magnetic field around the coil to make it move. Hydroelectric power is used to generate electricity. Why do we need to digest before we can absorb when we are full? What is fullness? You are full of electricity, and after eating, it will be digested. How do you generate a good magnetic field to attract people, and you have charm. You have to go for activities, and when you are full, you have to go for activities. You are active. Equal to the movement of the coil current, it will generate a magnetic field. So you don't look good. You must eat and go out for activities. Someday someone will chase you.

The entire resonance of the magnetic field will produce your popularity, but the prerequisite is energy, and energy is eating. This is a prerequisite.

Disclaimer: The foods and vitamins mentioned in this article are for advice and do not have medicinal effects such as medical treatment and disease treatment. Please refer to it yourself.』
