Physiological nutrition profile - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
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Physiological nutrition profile

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

 If you want to be healthy, you should look at the book "Physiological Nutrition" that everyone has received today. The content is all natural. The vitamins synthesized after 1960 come out one after another. What I use very well is vitamin E (natural ) Vitamin E was synthesized at the time, and there were side effects in synthesis. Therefore, the USP of the 18th edition of the United States limited the amount of a unit of synthetic vitamin E to 30 mg. This is the era of 1960, when the synthesis was unstable. She used the seed oil I said. All the cold-pressed seed oils contain vitamin E. The form of vitamin E is called tocopherol. There is more than one kind of vitamin E. Each kind of seed oil is different kind of tocopherol. This book is in the United States, the research is mainly about linseed oil. Europe likes to use cold-pressed pumpkin oil. Italy uses olive oil. If it is extracted from olive oil, it is very good. Because are too costly and have no economic value now no one making it, Taiwan's seed oil is only raw peanut oil.

When I saw the English version of this book in the 1960s, I asked my brother to translate in Denver. He translated it in Japanese, and I took it to the professor of Northern Medicine who stay in Japan before. The book was translated into Chinese. I used this method for vitamins. The USP of vitamins went to the 21st edition. Vitamins and minerals are classified as food, so the vitamins in the US supermarket are sold as food. Because Taiwan's vitamins are classified as medicines, doctors must prescribe them, and doctors have no research on vitamins. They don't know how to prescribe it, so the pharmaceutical industry has not taken the production route of vitamin food, and it has been brought in from abroad. I imported vitamins from abroad. It is a vitamin ratio suitable for Taiwanese people. It is different from the Japanese. It is different from the Americans and is different from the Indians.

This book is quite good. I haven’t seen this healthy and good book for sixty years. If you want to help others, don’t buy anything for him. He doesn’t believe in these things. He believes in words, you will photocopy it to him, to keep your own health, you have to read it very well, see what kind of vitamins in food are eaten .
