Heart nutrition and feng shui (magnetic field) (one) - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
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Heart nutrition and feng shui (magnetic field) (one)

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

Ordinary physiology does not say what nutrients are needed for the internal organs. Chinese medicine has nutrition. If the heart is not good, it is good to use a good ginseng stewed pig heart to eat. If the liver is not good and the anemia is to eat pig liver, this is very special in the culture of the Chinese nation. In the 1960s, the United States published a question about the three high cardiovascular systems. The problems of myocardial infarction include gout problems and other related problems, so the internal organs of the animals cannot be eaten. If the internal organs are eaten, the cholesterol will rise, and the internal organs of the animals will be the protein is prone to uric acid, and high uric acid can cause gout, which doctors say in this regard.

When I studied food and fate, I discovered that we need nutrition in all parts of our body. Hair needs hair nutrition, nails need nail nutrition, and skin needs skin nutrition. When I was a teacher at the acupuncture society of Chinese universities, there were many boys who could not have girlfriends, or girls to have boys. The boys ran away when they kissed and kissed. Run away to touch other girls. At that time, I realized that still need to have nutrition when fall in love. Do you know that your husband must be nutritious? If I don’t want to take care of my husband, I have to be managed, so I have to be managed with nutrition. So the heart must have nutrition.

The last sentence on page 32 of the lecture on physiological nutrition says: "What kind of nutrition is important and needs to be very balanced." In fact, we are all sick now, unless it is already in the 90s, it will be natural to get sick. If you are young, what kind of illnesses include colds, and if nutrition is correct, it should not happen. There are some natural colors like color blindness, which has nothing to do with nutrition. Children born are not black hair, blond hair, genetics is not a disease, and there is no absolute relationship with nutrition.

The heart nutrition and food problems that we are talking about now are very serious. The Taiwanese are crying when the heart stops, crying and crying. If you don’t have a fake cry, it is equal to filial piety. It is hate to hate her and cry.

In fact, all of our nutrition needs to be taken out with micro-vessels. When the heart beats abnormally, we can know from the examination of the electrocardiogram. If you go to see the doctor’s heart jumping quickly or very slowly, the medicine will not be called directly to tell you go to eat a little nutritious.

Now Taiwan is high in blood pressure, high in cholesterol and high in blood fat. Why is there such a high level? Nutrition is the main cause, especially in high blood pressure. When the nutrition is insufficient, the three meals are full, and it must be the white bread with the pickled cucumbers. I used to have three highs. I was doing a free clinic every day to eat white steam bread with cola. At that time, I weighed nearly 90 kilograms. Because I was hungry, I bought a five-yuan Shandong Shantou, and then went to McDonald’s for twenty-five yuan to buy a 1 liter of extra large cola, 30 yuan to eat a full meal, whether it is nutrition or food, the physiological changes of people must be six months, and the weight increased by 10 kg in six months. At this time, I found that my heartbeat was faster. I went to the hospital for examination. My heartbeat jumped 110 times a minute, systolic blood pressure was 187, and diastolic blood pressure was 126. The doctor said that you have to take blood tests. The result is blood fat 460 and total cholesterol is over 400. The doctor said that had to be treated. He opened a new drug at that time. After eating it, the three highs were lowered. Later, one day, could not climb, and the heartbeat was still very fast. Then I went to the emergency department. I told the hospital that I had eaten. Xx, the doctor said that this medicine can not eat too much, eating too much will dissolve the muscles. I said that the heartbeat is very fast, the doctor has opened the heartbeat medicine, and the blood pressure medicine has also changed other prescriptions. The blood pressure of the medicine is really lowered, and the blood pressure is low until the eyes see the yellow edge.

My brother's classmate is a medical doctor. He said that with that much of the medicine should be prepared for the coffin, because the blood pressure drops too low. I had to return to my original, stop the medicine, start to eat brown rice, eat what my mother said, she said, "The doctor is a fairy (Taiwanese doctor is a fairy), only cures the fake disease, the real disease has no medicine, don’t listen to what they said. How old are you? If you don’t dare to eat this thing, you will have all those diseases.” So I have to listen to my mother’s words, my mother is illiterate, can't understand mandarin .

She said that should restore the food I had eaten all the time. After cooking, she used pig oil. I started to eat the chinese spinach, the spinach soup and the pig oil. She grew up in the province. The real cooking was popular after the province came in. The real Taiwanese dishes were steamed with steamers. After I ate for half a year, I didn’t eat any medicine. The high blood pressure dropped to 134, and the total cholesterol dropped to 182. It was actually eating my mother’s pig oil and spinach and duck eggs and onions cake.

Now studying abroad, if the heart is deficient in magnesium, the blood sugar will be high. Many doctoral physiologists in the United States have found that magnesium deficiency causes high blood sugar. Magnesium has a factor. This factor is now physiologically biochemical. The family still doesn't know. After the blood sugar comes out, it is energized when it is supplied to all cells. The living cell membrane must have a factor. They are called factors. We don't know what factors are. Many people don't understand the factors and have to talk about environmental hormones. If the factor is translated directly in English, what is the meaning of it? It is hormone. Any hormone is called hormone. The sex hormone is sexual hormone. Because there is a certain heavy hormone, the blood pressure osmotic cells cannot be opened. Sugar can't go in, and if the sugar doesn't go in, the cell waste can't come out. If your blood sugar is very high, in fact your pancreas is good, but the doctor said that your blood sugar level must be that the pancreas is sick, and can give insulin to you. If this factor is not turned on, the insulin supply will not go in, then what is the insulin sugar? The insulin sugar goes back to the liver to turn glucose into fat. Because his glucose can't enter the cell, he can't take the waste of the cell. At this time, the insulin supply will return to the liver to synthesize triglyceride, which is blood oil. The diameter of the kidney's microvessels is only one-eighth of the diameter of the hair. It can be seen with a microscope of 300 times. The bad thing is that the oil is very large, and it can't flow in the kidneys and become kidney-high blood pressure. So now people check for high blood pressure for the first time, doctors use diuretics. What is the result of squeezing the kidneys, letting the blood pressure drop down, and squeezing it into the end? The result of eating a large amount of diuretics will be ED. When I was in consulting, women came to blame their husbands for divorce. Almost one hundred of the eight men were reverse yang, don’t look down on ED, males in their 30s and forties are already with reverse yang is abnormal, this aspect is not normal, his personality is not normal, why is it not normal? I am afraid that my wife will have another man, because I can't help myself. I am afraid that my wife will not like it. My wife said that I am half-dead and have no time for it. This is a quarrel. Remember, you must have a healthy marriage and a good life. If you are not healthy, you must have a lot of money.

The factor that I just talked about is magnesium deficiency, so the description of mineral magnesium in nutrition is beneficial to the heart, and vitamin B1 is added.

The diuretic of traditional Chinese medicine is worse. There is plant alkali. In the cold and heat of traditional Chinese medicine, it is diuretic. It will be cold, cold is water, and water will ignite, which is not good for the heart.

I told my mother that she is illiterate. She didn't read Chinese medicine books. She listened to others. The previous radio broadcasts were all selling medicines. She also said Taiwanese, my mother could not eat radishes and white round cabbage. She eats the first diuretic and the second is coughing. My second brother is also a medical doctor. He helped her check that she was not irritated and had no allergies. She had been coughing and coughing for half a year and was hospitalized for thorough examination. She was already in her eighties and found that her heart was expanding and touching her lungs and coughing. At that time, Taoyuan had a Chinese medicine that my mother believed the most. The Chinese doctor took the left side of the vein and asked her to take off her shoes. The Chinese doctor judged that it was too cold to eat and too light. My brother asked what is too cold to have a relationship with the heart? Chinese medicine says that the cold is water, the heart is a fire, and the water is against the fire.

When my brother came back, he asked me if water is a fire. I said: Yes, even the fire is burning will put off with water. I told him in Taiwanese. He said that this is controlling? I said, right. He said that mothers eat radish soup and cabbage are cook and very hot to eat! I am very calm to deal with, I said that when you are not married, your wife is very warm to you, is there a temperature of 42 ° C? No! This is a description of nature, so Western medicine is called material theory, and there are data that are counted. Our culture is all described as virtual, virtual and beautiful, so the definition of our landscape painting art is different from the definition of Western painters.

The original report of this book was published in the 1960s. I observed the distribution of magnesium in Taiwan. Up to now, the food production area with high magnesium content is ten times different than the area with low magnesium content and dialysis. Hualien and Central Mountain Range. There is a ditch, where the Xiugulu River runs from north to south. All the rivers in western Taiwan flow from the central mountain to the Taiwan Strait. It is east to west. The mountain is very strange. The central mountains and the mountains of Hualien contain The elements are very different. The central mountain range contains many bismuth (Si). There are mica stones under the Hualien Mountains. The magnesium content is the most, so the indigenous people there are not like Taipei. The male lost love is going to kill the family, never before. The mountain range I am talking about is where the counseling society mines marble. There are also very few people who wash the kidneys and have less heart disease.

This magnesium is not used with ordinary magnesium. The ordinary magnesium is medicinal magnesium. The medicinal magnesium is imported in large quantities. The magnesium is very good for use as magnesium oxide. The constipation is magnesium oxide. The price is cheap. Go to the western pharmacy can buy it. The scientific application of mass-produced magnesia is to build arch dams. The cement of arch dams must be added with magnesium oxide. Why is magnesium oxide? Because it will not crack after solidification, the dam will leak when it cracks. This is it in physics. The phenomenon. The phenomenon in humans is that magnesium must be absorbed from the soil through the vegetables. We can eat the vegetables to absorb the magnesium. It can't be said that my blood sugar is too high to eat the magnesium-containing stone directly, because it has to go through this process. It took me 12 years to achieve my goal, only to prove that the magnesium in our soil is to be absorbed by vegetables. It must have sunlight or a spectrum of light containing magnesium. Hydroponic vegetables will not work. It uses artificial light because Magnesium has a spectrum of magnesium. The sunlight has a spectrum of magnesium. It can be absorbed. Later, I went to check the spectrum of magnesium. I commissioned Philips to order a lamp containing magnesium spectrum. I ordered a thousand tubes and I experimented in Canada. The result of the experiment is that the vegetables contain magnesium, which is really absorbed by humans. The extracted magnesium is called a trace element.

I encourage people to eat pig oil with green vegetables. Your heart is enlarged or broken, or your high blood pressure is not metabolized because tissue cells can't be accepted. If the heat we eat is not metabolized, it will return to the liver to synthesize fat. If you want to metabolize the process, don't give him the rest. Glucose, that is, blood sugar, can make every cell open and accept, your cells will not die, winter will not be cold, and summer will not heat up. Being able to adapt, instead of being allergic to something, because your cells are normal, the cells are not sick, and the cells are very happy.

People who are in love with no matter whether they are male or female are not enough magnesium. When the performance of business personnel is not good, magnesium is not enough. What people sell is not bought, and people who buy the ugliest at the same price. I advise you not to drink alcohol. If you drink alcohol, magnesium will not be absorbed. Magnesium is also easily drained. Therefore, people who drink alcohol will forget themselves when they drink alcohol. When they drink alcohol, they will be removed. If the cells are deficient in magnesium, the popularity will be reduced. Drinking moderately, drinking a little bit is not alcoholism. Contrary to alcoholism, it is wine tasting. If you think that wine tasting will also illuminate magnesium, you have to stop drinking. I am very much in favor of good wine every day. This is my experience. Every day, a little bit of it can play the function of the atomic bomb. It is a little bigger than the universe. A little bit is good enough.
