Blood sugar nutrition and feng shui (magnetic field) - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
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Blood sugar nutrition and feng shui (magnetic field)

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

The nutrition of blood sugar, blood sugar is a big problem. There are five elements in our culture. The blood sugar belongs to the soil of metal, fire, water,wood and earth, the eight-character is the Chi, the branch is the quality, and the sugar is the soil: Chen→Yi, Wu Gui, Xu→ Ding Wu Xin, Chou-Yi Xin Gui, Wei→ Yi Ding Ji.

Therefore, blood sugar and the whole body are related. Yi is the liver, Gui is the kidney, Wu is the stomach, Xin is the lung, Ding is the heart, Wei is the sugar, everything is high. If the blood sugar is high to a certain degree, you have to find the reason, you only use Western medicine mode to block, or how to deal with it, you have to study whether it is a liver problem, or a stomach problem, or a kidney problem, or a problem of oxygen in the breath of breathing, or Cardiovascular problems?

20 years ago I told everyone to check. About half of them are going to do it. I said that if is more than 200 their money is a bit tight, the 600 or more may be in a small debt, which seems to be accurate. Because blood sugar is secreted, you need to supply every cell, liver cells, kidney cells, cells of the stomach, cells of the lungs, cells of the heart, cells of the spleen, and these cells are applied. 

My second brother retired this year. I said: How is your publishing this professional paper going? He said that now everyone is very respectful to me and told me to give a speech. I still have a speech fee. What will it happen when my blood sugar is high? He said: "The lungs can't use the blood sugar when the blood is insufficient, and the Chi is not enough. If the heart is heartless, you will have no strength. You don't have that power. If the liver is a liver problem, There is no way to secrete the necessary enzymes and hormones. The kidneys are the same. Now there are more problems with the kidneys. Because the blood sugar is high, the capillaries of the kidneys will block, causing the blood pressure to rise. At this time, the doctor will use a diuretic to lower blood pressure. Diuretic, this diuretic eats a long time to hurt the kidney and finally dialysis." I heard this, I realized that I will not eat sugar in the future, in case of dialysis, three times a week. He said: "it still will come out without eating sugar." The problem is here, I asked him why? He said: "When you eat protein to produce heat, if you don't use it up, the heat will run to the liver and become glycogen. The liver sugar synthesizes fat through the enzyme of the liver. The fat flows back to the heart through the hepatic vein and is punched out through the heart's artery. Flowed to the blood vessels (blood fat). 

He said that this trace mineral is very important, and it is very important to control blood sugar. I say what about this trace mineral? He said: "Our cells are so confusing that we don't know it yet." Our cells absorb energy in two systems, one is microvascular, which feeds the cells' food. The second system is the principle of semi-infiltration, which is what we call triple-focus, a kind of gland, which is a liquid. The penetration of liquid is not the delivery of micro-vessels. There are many ways to do this. If you have a lot of diuresis or not, there is a kind of gland effective. The problem is that when the cells are not accepted, I once wrote a term of SuGuo on the blackboard. This is a gland, not microvascular. The effect of this SuGuo-vegetarian fruit- is very good. You will develop muscle lysis after a certain period of time, but you will die after eating for a long time. 

If it is difficult for everyone to get organic magnesium, you have to move away from home, move to Ji'an Township in Hualien, go to the chinese spinach family, eat the spinach leaves every day, remember to plant in the place where there is stone, if you use very good soil species are not, and the magnesium content is high in that place because there is a mineral spectrum of the earth in the sunlight. 

The question is, after the magnesium, how can the cells open to accept the fat? It must be sent to the brain. The body of the brain secretes a certain hormone, so that the cell can accept this kind of energy. This must have good fatty acids. I can’t wait when I hear it here, why? It is good to eat pig oil. The spinach through in boils water. Mix well with big oil and add salt. Remember that it must be issued by the brain that this kind of hormone cells will open and accept, and he will return to normal. This is blood sugar nutrition. 

The question is coming, are we not adding the word Feng Shui? The word feng shui is mineral, because Chinese water refers to liquid. This liquid water (H2O) scientist is classified as inorganic and equal to mineral. The minerals that people want to absorb must be dissolved in water to absorb. God is a great man to make a living. You eat and drink water. When you have something to eat, the brain orders to make stomach acid. All the minerals you make in your stomach are ionized, and ionization is absorbed in the small intestine.

Science is actually a way for people to explain natural things to people, and people who understand what they use. This is called science. Science is natural. God is creating such a kind of nature. We all seek and ask God, this Tao Lao Zi said that the Tao is natural, you have to understand nature, you know how to understand, you know that you know God, you know a lot about nature, you are God, the Chinese are called immortals, the so-called gods and fairies. 

People have a magnetic field. If you like to eat sweet, the sweet magnetic field is different, so I admire in these two centuries. The chemical world in the West can create a very famous periodic table of chemical elements. Each element has an isotope. It is amazing. I think that human extinction is God's will, because you know so much. If you understand nature, you will naturally become natural. The philosophical thoughts of the Chinese nation are not people at the end, why aren't people? Is Heaven and Man united like a person?

Our culture is to cure diseases, cure what kind of  diseases, cure a poor disease, so if you have too high blood sugar, you will be poor and sick, so everyone thinks that you are in this place, what kind of place should you live? Not poor, remember that the Chinese poorer and are getting live shorter, why? I have to eat, eat too much, have not had to eat for three days and still have nothing to eaten.

The problem of feng shui is very bad. In the Japanese era, Taipower used pine to with asphalt to make poles. In front of the factory, a pole was set up. The farmer didn’t dare to live with it even the cowboys. Why didn’t he dare to live there? When the door is opened, the pole is facing the door, as if it were to be inserted. There was a very long-handed worker who lived in it. At that time, Japan was at the end of the war. It ate very little food, and the sanitary conditions were not good. It was also popular with rabies. The long-term worker slept for two days, and the third day got the dog bites, the Japanese doctor isolates him and finds the dog. The Japanese are very inhuman to the Taiwanese, very human to themselves, and not given to him food after isolation. At that time, the whole people believed in Feng Shui. There was no one to live in this field. There were not many people living in the house. No one dared to live with a cheap rental. Why? Because there is an example, the first person who lives here is bitten by a mad dog. There is left in Taiwan’s legacy.

Diabetic feng shui oxygen should be high, but when you are sick, you need to know what kind of disease you are. Just said that the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney have a relationship, when blood sugar is high, it will be affected.

The Chinese believe that Feng Shui is right, is there any scientific basis? Yes. Let's talk about the problem of the door to the telephone pole. Why is it so spiritual? At that time, it was very spiritual. The workers built the doors to the workplace. The doors were made of bamboo. The Japanese used the asphalt to cook the fir. The previous roads were cattle carts. The road width is only three or five feet. The door of the factory is not like the door of the apartment. The door is closed to isolate the outside air. The pole is round and the wind blows and concentrates on the door of the factory. Because the cattle road only three or five feet wide, the wind blows the taste of the asphalt and blows it to the door. This is really a bad place for people. Just said that when one lived in, one was bitten by a dog. It was a bad luck for him. It doesn't matter, it doesn't smell the bitterness of the asphalt before it is bitten by the dog. Because he was bitten by the dog, he blamed the pole. The Taiwanese people can blame more, and there are nine kinds of ten kinds to blame. Blame others, blame others for generations. 

I just talked about the relationship between feng shui and blood sugar. When it comes to oxygen, it has nothing to do with the column. It is related to asphalt. The blood sugar is related to the taste of asphalt. The taste of asphalt will hurt the liver. If there is no way to supply the liver, including the brain, if there is no way to supply the brain, call your stomach to produce stomach acid, although you have magnesium supply, you will not produce magnesium ions to be absorbed, then your cells will not open, hormones open, can use your blood sugar.

The book that is given to you must be read. Ms. Davis has been studying for 50 years. Her understanding of vitamins and the opening effect of magnesium just mentioned are the recent research papers by Dr.

There is a vitamin E (seed oil) written in the book. The vitamin E synthesis in the Davis era is immature and has long side effects. Therefore, with seed oil, any seed has seed oil, but it is not the same. Organic chemical food chemistry, vitamin E is called tocopherol, tocopherols have 48 species at first, and there are now only 8 species that are slowly eliminated. These 8 species are also found in the seeds.
