Causes of tendon nodules and dietary nutrient intake recommendations - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
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Causes of tendon nodules and dietary nutrient intake recommendations

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

Burnout, if your exercise is not in accordance with the principle, a certain part of the tendon can not exchange carbon dioxide to change the liquid and water, plus CO3 (carbon trioxide) dissolved in water called blisters, there are blisters between the joints, if there is no blisters when exercise, operating an occupational disease, he will have a nodule.

After the nodule is produced, the massage can be eliminated. The foot massage is done with a stick, and the pain will come out. If it is to be massaged, you should be healthy. The nodule should be softened, the nodules will be there, and the nodules will be painful. Going to acupuncture, where is the pain? The painful place is not acupuncture or meridian. What should I do if I touch the pain? The patient said that you are going to take a needle point for me? I will ask the teacher, he replied me. It is a point, when you feel the pain, just say it! This is AhShi point.

The nodules include bubbles that can be painful. Now the ultrasound can be illuminated. The ultrasound has a nodule wherever it is. Now there are nodules that are threatened to become tumors. You have a nodule and you have to go with surgery. In fact, I was looking for massage before for the nodule.

I am asking people to eat, there are nodules, press by yourself, six kinds of compound vitamins every day, eat separately, whether to eat eggs or not or to eat vegetarian food does not matter, but you must move around, eat this vitamin does not move, then it will not run and go in, the nodules are very hard, and even the blood can't go back. If the carbonate is blisters, our diuretic material must enter the cell membrane to exchange the water of the nodule.
