Food nutrition intake recommendations for prevention of avian influenza - Master of Yi -Kwei Chen -
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Food nutrition intake recommendations for prevention of avian influenza

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

Avian flu is a virus. It is necessary to balance the nutrition of foods. The proportion of coenzymes should be balanced. The disease control bureau said that there is no medicine for flu, and vaccines are used for prevention. Legislation through the budget this year to order vaccines from foreign countries, the vaccines have been obtained, this year's flu virus has changed, The vaccinators have got the flu and said that I have vaccinated. Why do I get the flu? The doctor said that you had vaccinated last year. This year’s flu virus has been mutated, so no one is going to vacate the vaccine even it is free. Asked about 6.4 billion vaccines there but not used.

How to prevent bird flu?

Nutritional balance, eating well, sleeping well, even if you get the flu, runny nose for two days, put a cyanobacterial stone for a bath, it will not have a fever, I have twice this year, twice to check the genes of the virus are the same, fortunately, I eat well, eat enough, so I get well by just take a bath.

The vaccine has been researched in the 21st century but there is no research about diet. What kinds of vaccines should be cultivated for research on what kind of influenza virus, and the flu vaccine should use eggs. Excuse me, the price raise before toxic eggs was destroyed, the price of eggs is now falling. Why? Because I don't make vaccine, why not make a vaccine? When the vaccine is made to a virus variant, it is useless. The bird flu vaccine is very simple in the 21st century, and the eggs used in raw materials are very rich in Taiwan.
