Tryptophan - Nutritious -
Word class:


(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)


Tryptophan can improve the utilization of vitamin B group and improve the normal and stable nervous system. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that cannot be synthesized by the human body. It must be ingested through food. Chicken contains good tryptophan. If the human body lacks tryptophan, there is no way to convert synthetic niacin in the body, but if you have tryptophan in your body, you can't convert it into nicotinic acid if you use too much antibiotics. If the human body has no way to convert niacin, there will be a lack of niacin symptoms, and the symptoms are auditory hallucinations. The problem of these transformations is related to tryptophan.

Some people have no way to convert tryptophan. You eat a lot of egg yolk, drink a lot of milk, drink a lot of sourdough milk, not tryptophan. If it doesn't turn into niacin, it will be high blood pressure. You can't sleep at night, then you need B6, at least 50mg.

If you do eat the egg, the stomach is very full, and the neck feels hard. This means that after you digest, the resulting tryptophan may not convert niacin, then you must supply B6, or a complete compound. The comprehensive vitamin is replaced.

Symptoms of tryptophan deficiency, neurasthenia, insomnia, anxiety, long activity, so called the amino acid of the spirit, the benefits of tryptophan itself are not only this, too much, but if it can not If it is converted, or if it cannot be absorbed, it will be poisoned, like neuropathy or high blood pressure, and it will not be detected. If the blood pressure is too high, it will be thought to be a kidney tumor. I have encountered too many cases like these, if took the kidneys to slice, it is impossible for every cell in the kidney to be exactly the same. There is a little bit of cell periphery or cell membrane thicker or thinner, the kidney is cut, and the blood pressure can not be lowered after cutting. Therefore, when there is no way to convert leucine to nicotinic acid, the high blood pressure produced, whatever medicine taking is useless.


Disclaimer: The foods and vitamins mentioned in this article are all recommended. They do not have medical and therapeutic effects. Please refer to themselves.
