Sodium - majesty element - Nutritious -
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Sodium - majesty element

Sodium, no it is not, but more and headache. In most people's daily lives, sodium is more familiar to everyone. Sodium, the chemical name is called Na, atomic number 11, in trace elements in the system, in charge of the majesty, you can call it a kind of dignity element.       

Most people's understanding of sodium, are more negative, know it, and one of the modern enemy hypertension have a direct relationship. Experts in the study of modern physiology, the discovery of two elements, sodium and potassium are closely related, both of which are essential to normal growth on the substance.       

Excessive sodium intake is easy, because we often eat the salt is sodium chloride, sodium deficiency can cause large amounts of potassium, physical problems thus arise.        

But such elements are not useless, on the contrary, it is to sustain human life is a very important element, because the body can prevent overheating caused by fatigue and heat stroke. An appropriate amount of sodium, it is possible to assist the normal function of nerves and muscles.

In general, the modern rarely insufficient sodium intake problem, the real problems, but rather excessive intake of sodium, so pay attention to the following foods because they contain quite a lot of sodium. Salt, crustaceans, carrots, beets, artichokes, dried beef, brain, kidneys, bacon inside, there are a lot of sodium, usually when eaten sparingly.
