Facial science (7) - I Ching -
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Facial science (7)

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

Face is a combination, the triangle eye must be combined with what kind of nose, the triangle eye person will be very successful as a consultant must combine with a hook nose, if you triangle eye combination of a straight Greek goddess nose, then, can you treacherous? You have been cut off before you have been treacherous, so it is to be combined.

The face is related to the personality of the race. In the whole of China, the eyes of the people in the north are bigger, the nose is bigger, and the face is a little longer. Again, like the Central Plains Hunan and Henan, this is not the same, there are the southern Guangdong and Fujian area, southerners have the characteristics of the South. The southerners are protecting the people next to them, how to frame each other, this is the characteristics of this ethnic group in the south, why? Because you can see the face, you can say that in Taiwan, the people who have a blood relationship with the Pingpu people are probably Cantonese and Fujian, and they are all from the South.

The Kuomintang is a southerner. Their combination is in Guangdong and Fujian. The northernmost is not outside Jiangsu. They are afraid to use northerners.

In the entire face structure, those who can sacrifice themselves, is there a Southerner? No. Southerners must sacrifice others and run away first. So if you want to do business, you have to talk about credit then you should do business with the northerners.

Let's talk about the structure of the eyes, so many people are stressing, what kind of eyes are more beautiful? People think that her eyes must have double eyelids. In fact, the real southern race has no double eyelids. I really study it. Like I have double eyelids, I think our ancestors might do not know how but moved from the north, move to Fujian and run to Taiwan again. The true southern family probably has no beautiful double eyelids. Therefore, in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, phoenix eye is very beautiful, Guan Gong, is Guan Gong a Southerner? He is a Central Plains person. I used to be in Shandong and observed that Shandong people did not have double eyelids. It can be seen that the real double eyelids are farther away from the sea, probably in Shanxi and Shaanxi, all in the west.

To study this problem, before, it was very famous to study anthropology. He believed that the people in Guangdong were Tang Dynasty people. Therefore, the 300 poems of Tang poetry were very fluent in Cantonese or Hakka dialects, and they were much better than those in Minnan dialect.

Eyes, a person's success, to be developed, must have eyes spirit, not what his eyes are like, what shape is. Then, this look, have you ever heard, if a person is talking to you but the eyes are afraid to look at you, you should pay attention to it, he is not really sincere, or he has something to hide.

So you don't want to follow a person who has no eyes spirit. But the old book said to look at the eyes, saying that your eyes must be long, not round and protrude. Like Zhang Fei's eyes, it's violent, hot temper, and anxious, will not succeeding many things. This makes sense! The most successful of the last is not the big eyes, the triangle eyes, the slime eyes. So there are a lot of people ask me, my eyes are so small, I have to cut a little bigger, I said to consider it! You can see who has a big eye and a round like a doll been successful since history. Your eyes are small, people can't see your eyes spirit, such people tend to succeed.

I am in favor of the previous people said, don’t like to see too many white parts of eyes. Some people say three white eyes, eyeball are hanging up, this side white or that side white or the bottom is white, hanging down or white here. Above white, called three white, the previous three white eyes are not good. But really telling a person is very naive and straightforward, he will not lie to you, he is telling the truth.

Come back to this part of the jaws , this part, you should not underestimate this jaw bones, you are active outside or not, look at this part, if there is no such two jaws, not wide, narrow, narrow to the inside, then activities is not strong, he is only willing to sit and think, not willing to move, activities are not strong.

In fact, this jaw is hereditary, born to a woman, jaw is a family of genetic fathers, many Taiwanese face reader, the nephew is like their uncle, this is a fact. Therefore, girls will be like the jaw of the father's side, the boys are like the mother's family, so when you look at the woman's jaw, you will know the inheritance of her patrilineal family. Some of them have a slenderness, and this place is tilted down. When I was a child, I slept, and the pressure made this part small. After the narrowing, the teeth were need to be shaped. Why? Because after this thing is stretched, it will be a little toothy, and if you narrow it, you will have a toothless tooth. Because this sleep face down was very popular in the Republic of China in 55-56 years, I have been observing, because I was in the hospital's obstetrics and gynaecology service in 1970 (the Republic of China for more than 60 years), and finally observed that such people will chase the fashion. But the success is not these people.

The environment, the whole genetics, will change this cheek. After the change, it is very important to educate and learn. So I always told a lot of my customers, after she gave birth to a child, said that I should bring it myself, or do have a Filipino maid? I said depends on yourself, if you bring it yourself, you will feel very hard and feel that you have no future, then you have to do it in a way like you want to achieve your goals. She asked how to make it? I said, have to read every day. When children see you read books, they will read every day. I did a experiments. When my biggest granddaughter was born, my wife called me. I said, if  you want her active and successful, you should use your voice to tell her every day and read the Diamond Sutra. After the child was born, while she took a bath and read the Diamond Sutra to her, and she fell asleep. So when she heard her grandmother read the Diamond Sutra, she would do her own thing very well. How can the children not independent?
