Facial science (9) - I Ching -
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Facial science (9)

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

The worse the color, the more afraid of the sun, because the sun will make vitamin D. The best place for natural vitamin D is the face, not the arm, nor the foot, only the face, you are very fashionable, you go out to the sun, vitamin D is enough. Because your temperament is better, you must go out from the micro-vessels, soak the sun, and the blood will flow back smoothly. Poor and dark chi color, he worked hard and worked harder, but the people around him didn't accept him.

Some people look at it, it can't be black here, you are in bad luck, why? If you are completely black and not shiny, it means that there is no way for your blood flew return. There is no way to reflow. All your thoughts, considerations, and actions will be greatly hindered. This is very natural thing.

Then there is a dark, black part of the the Chi color, to see where it grows, which is probably weaker, because there is a problem with the return of that part. If it is in the Du Vain, it is the most important part of the control a person's life, so it is probably bad. It may be scared to death by a ghost, or sick, or a car accident.

The color is tied down with the neck. When your chi color are not good, you must be loose and aging.

Many people who are very good in color, they must have a specific good food, that is, good protein, like someone must eat bird's nest, occasionally eat a shark's fin, or fish skin, the gel must be, we can occasionally eat a Wanluan Pig feet. The cockscomb has less gum, and it even has some hormones. So a lot of things, you have to cooperate, don't say that this thing contains a lot of vitamins, I have enough to eat every day, wrong. Duck buttocks, chicken butt fat, the fat is unsaturated fat, very good, in the early days, many grandmother like to eat duck butt, chicken butt, the skin is delicate, but have to eat for a long time. I am in favor of halving duck ass, chicken buttocks, that fat is a very good fatty acid. All the ducks move, their mouths bite their buttocks, and then bite their hair, so the hair is very beautiful, so understand the ecology.

From a lot of perspectives, everyone want to be beautiful are not in the same place, the skin want to be beautiful, should eat some animal-saturated fat, why many Tainan women can control the man's good and fierce . Because they all eat the belly of the milkfish, eat the fish belly, is not the skin will be very beautiful, but let the man obey, the man will obeys when sees her, then what is the problem? In the unsaturated fatty acids in the fish belly, many unsaturated fatty acids are divided into three categories, and its types are combined. It has linolenic acid, neilinic acid, and arachidic acid, so the three can be mixed together. There are five million different types of unsaturated fatty acids in different proportions, so what we should eat which kind of unsaturated fatty acids, your skin will be beautiful, and it varies from person to person. I just talked about duck ass and chicken butt, who came to eat it? I remember that when I was a child, I was probably the one who is controlling the family eating it, old grandmothers or mother of this family. Then the man who cares about the family would eat, drink a small glass of wine, get three or five chicken buttocks, and he felt that life would be be beautiful, the next day is still in a big power, the problem is in unsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids, if you have enough of these, your skin, good Chi color, you stand on the stage, go out and everyone can accept you. Many leaders like to eat duck ass and goose ass. Its oil has hormones, it has feathers, feathers are like our skin, and unsaturated fatty acids are supplied to the skin of the human body, as well as hair. Why I teach you to wash your hair with egg yolk?

In this way, you know how to protect yourself. How do you eat unsaturated fatty acids? Nowadays, it is advocated that unsaturated fatty acids must be in plants, wrong, in animals, and effective for human. Look at all the beautiful women before what they eat, all animals, absolutely animals.

When you want to change the color, you need to supply animal unsaturated fatty acids, which are only available from animals. These are the three kinds, the common weight loss use plants oil. To metabolize fat, you must drink some vegetable oil metabolism before you change fat to glucose, so when you want to lose weight, you should eat raw peanuts, cold pressed olive oil, cold pressed flaxseed oil.

When the Chi color is good, it is necessary to supply animal unsaturated fatty acids. There are more low-grade animals, and must eat more egg yolks. Many lower animals contain very good animal characters, which are probably very expensive. They are expensive like abalone and Mexican abalone. It has quite good animal unsaturated fatty acids, as well as protein, fatty acids do not have to be oil, fish belly is not oily! In the past when Wu Xmei was the most powerful, she ate a kilogram of  fish belly a day. It was her most proud time. When she was attacked and did not eat that, she fell off.


Disclaimer : The foods or vitamins mentioned in this article are all suggestions for providing advice. They do not have medical and therapeutic effects. Please refer by themselves.
