Facial science (14) - I Ching -
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Facial science (14)

(Dr.Chen Yikui)

The bone under eyebrows are very high, and the observation power is very strong. The eyebrow bone of the monkeys are much higher than the people. The monkey's observation is very strong, which fruit is delicious, you have not seen it the monkey has observed it. Because of its living environment, the monkey's eyebrows must be high. If it is high, it is easy to find food in the natural environment. If you put the monkeys together, all the things you can eat are eaten by the monkeys, you can't get it, why? Your observation is not as strong as it is.

Sometimes the nose should be matched with the eyes and the cheekbones. When you have a cold, you will have a runny nose and tears. So I always emphasize the problem of the nose. If your nose is allergic, your eyes will not be focuses. They are together, so when a person catches a cold and keeps blowing his nose, he can't recite it if he try to memory it, so don't blame him for his bad grades, for his nose to be good, what is the main thing to eat? Eat a white part of green onion omelet, this is a good dish.

When the mother eats vitamins without folic acid during pregnancy, the children born are stupid. Why are our children in the country so smart? Mothers eat green vegetables! I have done quantitative, one kilogram of green vegetables, especially sweet potato leaves or chinese spinach, the green leaf of the Convolvulus family contains 25mg ~ 50mg of folic acid. Therefore, I encourage people to eat a pound of green vegetables every day, because after eating folic acid, help the mother to develop the mind of the child.

Because we a lot of our education is wrong, so why do children who have had money before have lost more in families, rich people have married their daughter-in-law, and they are stewed and given to her when pregnancy. Taiwanese have a taboo, and stewing can not eat with the chinese spinach, they are all miserable, and the children born have not achieved. This kind of research is the first to do statistical research in Taiwan. In fact, I would like to thank some people. He is willing to let me do this kind of research in the hospital. So the rich people will not be last than three generations, so I put this theory out, the first one does not have to have to have the whole month after give birth. When a woman is pregnant, she has to eat a pound of green vegetables every day. I probably yelled for forty years, and everyone who listened to me was successful. Children are smart to read medicine, they are all national, and there is no stupidity.

Taiwanese people are really bad. They have no knowledge and stubbornness. When a woman is pregnant, she can’t eat with morning sick. When she sees something, she will vomit. Sometimes she will have a nose allergy, and she will take chinese medicine, and if she takes Chinese medicine, she can’t eat chinese spinach, so the nose is allergic. She can't eat spinach as soon as she eats Chinese medicine. But why did I ask her to eat chinese spinach? When you are in morning sick, use a spinach to eat as rice, put ginger, pinellia, two or three pieces of licorice, you can also put salt, and then eat raw peanuts. Because no one is going to talk about this theory, ask the doctor why I have morning sick? It suppose be, wrong. Because the pregnant sperm is combined with the egg, the new life begins with protein, which is a different protein in our body, producing an allergy, so when you are in this sickness, you will smell the meat, the meat is protein, so you will smell the protein will vomit, then why do you have to eat protein food? You can change the spinach, use ginger, add a little bit of pinellia and let it calm down. Because of the pregnant person, the baby bead is a different protein, anti-polar effect, lack of fatty acids, vitamin E, A is not enough. Eat raw peanuts, because raw peanuts have a benefit, it has high fatty acids, high arachidonic acid, and contains traces of vitamin E.

We talked from nose and giving birth to children. We use coherence, allergies, nose allergies, memory, and whether children have achieved success. In fact, what I eat when my mother is pregnant is decided. I always emphasize Pregnant women, nutrition must be balanced, green vegetables must be supplied a lot, you do not have to eat vitamins, if you eat vitamins just to eat folic acid.

Why do I emphasize that the nose is so important, because in our two meridian , whether it can be opened, it is directly related to the nose, from the nose to here, in the governor, this place is called smart and wisdom, when a child has just been born it is soft, this is connected with the nose. If you are allergic, the memory of this place will be gone.

I used to do some otolaryngology in some students at the North Medical University, I did some research. The children among the students. If there are long nasal polyps in the breath, they breathe with their mouths, and the results are not good. They are very shy. They don't have the ability so they are shy. They don't dare to deal with the facts. If you don't have a good nose, your subjective consciousness is equal none. You don't dare to face so many people. So look at the appearance and look at the nose, look at the situation to be stable, the previous appearance is not the same as the current theory. It used to look at the appearance and look at color is good or not . He should be lucky. Why is the color good? Because the blood circulation is very good, it means it is very healthy, of course you are lucky.

Have you ever heard so many stories about face reading, when fighting in the warlord period, those company commanders will look at each other,when get together, the sun shines, when I see this group of soldiers facial color are dark, really dead when they go out , all dead. Yuan Shikai is also very convinced that Yuan Shikai is recommended by a person next to him. Please ask him if I have a life of ninety-five. He didn't dare to talk about to be the emperor. The honor of the Ninth-Five position is the best. After breakfast,the talked, and said he will be. At that time, Yuan Shikai was very happy. Just the day he was going to review the official. He said that I would look at the officers. After the review, came back to make a good tea. He said that you also have a lot of ninety-five people underneath, is it possible? In the end, after Yuan Shikai’s collapse, the warlord’s separatist situation, every province has a marshal.

If you look at your nose, you must see that your nose is good to breath. Your food is good and your chi is good. The nose doesn't have to be beautiful. As long as your nose is not allergic, your memory is better. This is enough because the nose is connected to Ren Duo meridian, your nose is through open to breath, your memory is good, and you can pass the two veins. But you can't diarrhea, because once a diarrhea, memory will disappear, because the anus of the diarrhea is Ren Duo two veins, pulled off by you, of course, no constipation either.

To change the angle of life, don't use the angle of fortune telling, depending on whether the other side has a future. The young man now looks at the screen and the mobile phone with both eyes. At the end, the person will not be addicted or not, we will know that after six hours of playing, the mouth will open, and this will be poisoned. If you lose and you leave. Will not be poisoned, what is the problem? The nose and mouth are open, the microvascular is stuck because of overuse.

Because one method of my research is not the same as others, my method of fortune telling is not the same as others. I always think that human beings can't stay in memories, fortune tellers, when they are gods, when they are fairy, what people used to be, all learn from ancient people, there are no planes or trams in ancient times. If you learn ancient times, it can't! You must create the future, and you will be able to coexist and coexist with such a society, and you will succeed.


Disclaimer : The foods or vitamins mentioned in this article are all suggestions for providing advice. They do not have medical and therapeutic effects. Please refer by themselves.
