Palmistry Fingerprints and Palm Prints (4) - I Ching -
Word class:

Palmistry Fingerprints and Palm Prints (4)

(Dr. Chen Yi Kui)

We are going to talk about the hexagram on the fingers and put it in. Why has the hexagram itself been circulating for so many years? The earliest Fuxi painted hexagrams evolved into Shennong’s hexagrams, so Shennong’s hexagrams did not talk about hexagrams, but a classification. At that time, when the Shennong tribe wanted to guide people to survive, they used hexagrams to classify them, and they used Qian as head. If there is a problem with the head, it is eaten by the benevolence and seeds, which is applied by Shennong's hexagram. When it evolved to the Zhou Dynasty, it used hexagrams to record many things. Now it is called "Zhou Yi". This culture is very incredible. Why did it have such a concept at the time to make it up?

It took me decades to discover any culture. When it is necessary to logically formulate it, when everyone uses it, it can calculate its purpose, any culture. The greatest physicist of the seventeenth century was called Newton. Newton specializes in the study of sports, the movement of anything, he only did not study the movement of people. So he didn’t know how to fall in love. His girlfriend was very angry when she sat in his laboratory for four hours. She slapped him two times and went back. After he was finally beaten, he sat there and froze for five minutes. His girlfriend slapped him. When hitting from the left, our face will swing to the right. He thinks that this is also a movement. He will work out the strength of the hand movement, and then follow the movement speed in a few seconds. How long is the radius of your hand. How big is the area of ​​this one in a few seconds, and the larger the area in one second, the greater its power, and the formula comes out, the very famous calculus. Once this comes out, he will understand. If someone wants a shell, when the strength of my shell is, his arc must have the largest area. If the arc area is large, the shell will run farther. The artilleryman wants to study calculus.

I often think that science is inseparable from symbols. Then this symbol was fixed at that time, and it was specifically designed for human use, not for things. Calculus is for things. Where is my power going to go, but what about people? Calculus can't be calculated like Ji Zheng ran so fast. Because Ji Zheng is a thing, not a thing, but a character. She fumbled, and the calculus couldn't be calculated.

This thing of ours is the same, we should only use hexagrams when we feel that it is used exclusively for the deduction of human operations. This has been used for nearly 6,000 years since the past dynasties, because if people want to live in such a universe, they need time and space. Is space important? Yes, it is important. But you can’t make the decision. You have to come here if you want to go to class. Who made the decision? Is to make a decision in the environment of class.

This space is determined by the entire universe, so people think that I have no way to control this space, but I am not changing time. I can understand time and understand the purpose of time. We foresee. I foresee that children are cute. I used to use this concept. The little girl has a very wide forehead. In her early years, she must be happy, so we can foresee it. In college, many boys line up, wishful! why? Foreknowledge. Because she looks so beautiful that we can see it, after this kind of face grows up, probably very beautiful, many people will like her. Some faces don’t have anyone like her. Don’t look at some face that look ugly, but some people are born for her and die for her a lot. This is related to time.

So if you want to fall in love, you must be in the period of dating. You have to make money during that time of making money, so there are all kinds of people, but the handprints I see are a predictive method. The method of foresight was very popular in the Song Dynasty. The Song Dynasty foreseeing the most, the most superb, and the last improper official ShaoKangJie. Many people now say that Shao Kang Jie wrote a book — Huang Ji Jing Shi, and no one understands it. So these cycles mentioned in ShaoKangJie are also based on hexagrams. Why is he so famous? Sima Guang is a very good friend of his. Sima Guang has been the prime minister. Who hates ShaoKangJie the most? Su Dongpo would not mention his mane even if killed him. He thinks he is ignorant. From many perspectives, you will predict that it will be useless if others do not accept it.

Precognition must be accurate, and you must have tools. Although we have this hexagram and this tool, when the other party does not recognize us as this tool, your inaccuracy will increase, so if you believe it, it will be accurate, and if you don’t believe it will be ineffective. Believing is becoming as a tool.

It is predicted that we have used eight symbols for thousands of years. For thousands of years in India, mathematics has only used ten symbols, from 0-9. This symbol is used until now. Our yin and yang are drawing hexagrams. At the beginning, there was talk of yin and yang, around 4500 BC,

India’s 1234 was in the third millennium BC, 500 years earlier than the Buddha, and they existed.

Our decimal places Jia, Yi, Bing, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, Gui, we use symbols, this was set during the time of the Yellow Emperor, set the stem and branch, set the decimal and twelve digits. This is an amazing observation. All the symbols of existence use eight symbols, Qian Dui, Li, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Gen, Kun, when there is something, when it is very abstract, use the decimal, just like India, India’s 0123456789 This number is comparable to that of the Yellow Emperor, which was 2697 BC. In the previous social ecology, the difference between one hundred and two hundred years is a small problem, so the two sides are equivalent.

One generation of hexagrams, it is fixed. For example, when we say bird, no matter the uppercase or lowercase, it is a fixed writing bird, but the sound will change, and the Taiwanese "call", so culturally speaking, the pictorial style is great. Why does the Louvre in France don't need music or records at all? It means paintings from ancient times. Da Vinci wants those paintings. Because these things will not change, the sound of our language will change.

We think that the education of the language of the Republic of China is the most successful in the world. For a country, the phonetic symbols are set with patterns. After the patterns are completed, the notes of the Republic of China must be one, two, short, and five shapes. , Five kinds of sounds, so this is a great one, and many people are studying it.

Symbols are very important, so Chinese culture will be fixed in this way, not sounds but symbols. This symbol is fixed, so technology will be so advanced now that it is not the sound of speech, not the sound of the person who is interpreting it. It is a symbol. To learn chemistry, get a symbol of the periodic table. It is not bad for a single word, including symbol quantification, including electrons and numbers. We tell you our shortcomings, and the advantages of foreign countries are that I set the symbols on the table, and I try to teach others how to do it. China is not. I have set a symbol to keep people from knowing as much as possible. You have to know that you must be a teacher for one day and a father for the rest of your life. Only to tell you the symbol of a word, you have to support the master for a lifetime.
