Nutritional value of raw peanuts - Nutritious -
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Nutritional value of raw peanuts

Ask Mr. Chen Yikui:

What are the benefits of eating raw peanuts every day for the human body? Should the outer red skin of raw peanuts be removed? Do I have to wash them before eating?

Teacher Chen Yikui: 

   Raw peanuts supply arachidic acid, but cooked peanuts can’t do anything, because all unsaturated fatty acids, such as Nolinkic acid, are in soybeans, and it can withstand 55 degrees. If arachidic acid is about 45 degrees, it will not have that function. So I always advocate eating raw peanuts, what's the benefit? Among the unsaturated fatty acids, it has an advantage. When encountering a complete vitamin, it will automatically change, and then synthesize it with other enzymes to synthesize linolenic acid, and also synthesize resistance to nolinkic acid, so I was around 50th of the Republic of China, why did I become so famous for medicinal plants? It was based on this at the earliest, including the fact that Taiwan was selling vitamins at that time, and it was called the cyanamide company that the United States invested in Taiwan. The cyanamide company was very famous for selling vitamins, and it was very famous for what people eat and what animals eat. At that time, everyone knew Euro Fei, it was owned by the same company as Euro Fei.

​At that time, it was suggested that people eat raw peanuts with centrum and Kubu, and none of them did not improve. But raw peanuts should be at least 35 a day, which is very important.

   Should the outer red film of raw peanuts be removed? That's troublesome. To get rid of it, it looks complicated and ineffective. I think that everything has its ingredients. No matter what you have, everything is medicine. This is what Li Shizhen said, not me talking nonsense. Didn't Li Shizhen say it! Human hair and dead skulls are medicines, including human stool and human urine, right? If you have read the Compendium of Materia Medica, you will know that its membrane is still functional.

   Do you have to wash it before eating? If it is dirty, wash it. When you eat peanuts, you must bite them, chew them rotten, and swallow them. It can’t like swallowing medicine. Swallow a few grains, then grain will come out in the stool tomorrow.

Disclaimer: The food and vitamins mentioned in this article are all suggestions for health care and do not have medicinal effects such as medical treatment and disease treatment. Please refer to them yourself.
